ROI Driven SEO – 3 Powerful Tips to Effectively Convert Your SEO Traffic

This month at conversion conference, I covered a session on the interplay between CRO and SEO. It was great to see a ton of internet marketers thinking about introducing CRO in their SEO process. In the past, SEOs and user experience or conversion scientists didnt play well together. What was good for SEO was not typically great for conversions. But things are changing now, with Googles recent algorithm updates Panda, Above the fold ads and Matt Cutts recent talk on penalizing over optimized websites Googles forcing (for lack of a better work) SEOs to think and merge their optimization efforts with conversion/user experience in mind. Social signals (likes, tweets, +1s) and bounce rates are already part of the ranking algorithm in the months to come I see these becoming more and more important. In this article, Id like to cover 3 tactical methods of driving qualified SEO traffic that converts

Leverage SEM data to help qualify keywords for SEO efforts. Its no longer valuable to go after keywords that have high search volume because its become much tougher to rank for keywords that your site doesnt have a close correlation to, you might spend months to get to the 1st 10 positions only to find out that although the keywords are generating traffic they are not converting. Here are some steps to help you drive qualified traffic

a) Use Google keyword tool to analyze the segment of keywords you want to drive traffic to:

This segment of keywords is your low hanging fruit keywords that are ranking in the Top 10 on search engines and drive a high conversion rate. You can now create multiple segments SERP Position: 2nd Page, SERP Position 3rd Page and concentrate your SEO efforts on these keyword sets.

I would also recommend using this data for your link building initiatives. You can add another layer of information landing page to this grid that will help analyze which keywords to build links for with the target URL. Building links with variation in anchor text for the same landing page is an effective link building strategy.

With Matt Cutts recent talk on Google penalizing sites that are over optimized, its time to remove content elements that were included only to help improve rankings. An over optimized site would not only get your site penalized but its harming conversion rate. Heres an example of an over optimized site. Elements that might be considered as over optimization:

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ROI Driven SEO – 3 Powerful Tips to Effectively Convert Your SEO Traffic

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