Negative SEO What it Is & How to Protect Yourself

Recent events such as unnatural link warnings from Google, over optimization filters andblog networks being deindexed by Google, the concern of links being able to harm a website has risen again.

The biggest concern is the issue of negative SEO, which is sabotaging your competitors rankings to help you move past them on the search engine result pages.

Some webmasters are very concerned about what negative SEO is and how they can protect themselves. This post will tell you what to do about negative SEO.

under certain conditions.

First, lets imagine that the search engines tolerate a certain threshold of optimization for a site before they penalize it for being over optimized.

Lets call this the over optimization cup.

To visualize this, just imagine that every site starts with an empty cup. Once the cup gets overfilled, a site is at risk for getting penalized.

A larger, more authoritative site such as Amazon has a much larger cup; that means they can tolerate more dirt in their site buildup. Dirt can be defined as spammy links, blatant keyword stuffing, duplicate content or anything that isnt considered squeaky clean white hat SEO.

In contrast, a smaller, newer site has many forces working against it. For example, it might not have much content or links pointing to it. So right off the bat, we can see a few reasons why the search engines wouldnt rank this site in the same category as Amazon:

Continued here:
Negative SEO What it Is & How to Protect Yourself

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