Example: I always knew Liverpool was a friendly city, but living here for a month was crazy

"IVE run past the ECHO office every day, laughs Example. Well, not just past your office, but right through Liverpool. From Liverpool One up to the Titanic Hotel at Stanley Dock and back again every day. It really helped me get to know the city.

Example, or Elliot Gleave as hes known to his mates, has been in Liverpool this month filming The Boy with a Thorn in His Side, a drama about a young Scouse lad who goes to London in search of the bright lights.

The film stars Chris Mason, is directed by One Night in Istanbuls James Marquand and features some of its cast, including Mark Womack and Lucien Laviscount.

Its been great, he says. Ive obviously been to Liverpool quite a few times before, but this is the first time Ive stayed for a longer period of time. Ive loved it. I always knew it was a friendly city, but its been crazy.

Ive had people coming and saying hello everywhere Ive been. Some have said (he adopts a credible Scouse accent) I dont like your music but youre a sound bloke, la. But everyone had been nice.

The film has been making the most of the citys burgeoning food and drink scene, with various bars doubling for London venues.

I had no idea how good the bars and restaurants were up here, says Elliot, 32. Every night I tried somewhere new. Salt Dog Slims, Lucha Libre, all round there is great. My favourite was Free State Kitchen. Im definitely going back there when I come back on tour.

Elliot will be back in town as Example when he plays a gig at the Guild of Students next month.

Im looking forward to being back, he says. Liverpool audiences are always great and it might be my last tour for a while.

Elliot is taking a break from music he says, as he is due to become a dad on New Years Eve.

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Example: I always knew Liverpool was a friendly city, but living here for a month was crazy

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