Colin Flaherty: Cops Are Really Concerned That White People …

During a recent appearance in a video produced by the white nationalist outlet American Renaissance, author Colin Flaherty told the outlets founder, Jared Taylor, that white people underestimate the hate that black people have for them. He also claimed that a number of police officers have written to him in agreement.

For years Flaherty has worked to take isolated crimes involving black perpetrators and construct a bogus narrative of a black-on-white crime wave in America. He authored the 2012 bookWhite Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It, which was published by the far-right outlet WorldNetDaily.

Flahertys case was far from persuasive, relying on YouTube clips and newspaper comment sections, and get[ting] wrong the simple details of the stories hes abusing to make his argument. He appeared to exaggerate the number of people in the black mobs he wrote about.

Other times he counted white people, Hispanic people, and pit bulls as black mob participants.

Accurate or not, his insistence on hyping a race war in America won him friends in white nationalist circles including at American Renaissance. In a September 17, 2019 interview, Jared Taylor told Flaherty that, deep down, most people know that black crime is a problem and that blacks target whites, but that no one wants to discuss it.

Taylor also expressed frustration that the media didnt interview police officers who patrol black neighborhoods because they know it best. Flaherty said that police officers reach out to him about this subject, and like what Im saying cause Im saying what they tell their families.

He said, for example, that cops would never let their mothers live in a gentrified neighborhood, and would sooner burn the house down. He added that the cops who speak to him are really concerned that you and I and everybody else, we dont know how serious this is and the level of black hostility directed at white people.

He went on to say that, while white people are so concerned aboutourlevel of racism, while the fellas and lovely ladies which is what he says he calls black people show no such concern. It is entirely unclear how Flaherty arrived at this conclusion as he offered no evidence, anecdotal or otherwise, to demonstrate that this is true.

Flaherty said we see it every day, which Taylor agreed with. And the astonishing thing, Taylor claimed, is that so many white people so-called liberals theydontsee it. Theres a kind of deliberate blindness.

This is not Flahertys first experience with a white supremacist outlet. Before this appearance Flaherty was a guest on the American Renaissance podcast, and in 2016 he explained onRed Ice Radiothat marauding gangs of black people have been attacking Indians because Indians love gold.

While promotingWhite Girl Bleed a Lot Flaherty appeared on the podcast for the Massachusetts-based white nationalist website Malevolent Freedom. Yet despite this, Flaherty was touted as an expert on black crime by websites like Breitbart and Tucker Carlsons Daily Caller.

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Colin Flaherty: Cops Are Really Concerned That White People ...

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