A Soon-to-Be 100-Year-Old Rhode Island Chess Player is Being … – GoLocalProv

Wednesday, May 03, 2023

GoLocalProv Sports Team and News Editor Kate Nagle

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Louis Giarrusso. PHOTO: Frank DelBonis

The Louis Giarrusso Centennial Celebration Cup is taking place on Saturday, May 13, two days after veteran chess player, WW II veteran, and Cranston resident Louis Giarrussos 100th birthday.

Event organizer Frank DelBonis with the Ocean State Chess Association told GoLocal that Giarrusso had tried to dissuade organizers from scheduling the tournament for him at New England Tech in East Greenwich.

I dont think anyone has played at this age in registered tournaments, said DelBonis. He would never do something like this, but I said Lou, everyone wants to do it for you.

DelBonis said Giarrusso plays regularly weekly Mondays in Warwick, Tuesdays in East Providence, and Thursdays in Cranston.

"He's truly beloved by everyone. He's just a sweet, kind, and nice person," said DelBonis.

And Giarrusso? He is still driving to each location weekly for his chess engagements.

Its true, confirmed Giarrusso, when reached by GoLocal.

The self-effacing Giarrusso, when asked if he thought he might win the tournament named in his honor, shot down the idea.

Im just the average player, he said.

But DelBonis refuted his claim.

How often do you see something like this playing competitive chess at 100? said DelBonis. Hes as tough as they come.

DelBonis said the non-profit chess organization that he spearheads as a volunteer has seen a huge uptick in interest in chess.

Between [the show] The Queens Gambit, and the pandemic, weve seen a huge increase in numbers, said DelBonis.

To learn more about how to get involved and play in the upcoming event, go here.

New England Tech donated the use of the space for the tournament, which will return 90% of entry fees as prizes.

A Soon-to-Be 100-Year-Old Rhode Island Chess Player is Being ... - GoLocalProv

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