Tommy Sotomayor: Gays "Choose" Lifestyle Because Of Absent …

This sick, self-hating fuck is using the Orlando shooting to push his "single mothers are the cause of every problem in the world" message. He assumes just because we're only hearing from the victims' mothers (and that they were mostly minorities) that the fathers are all absent from their lives, and that's why they "chose the gay lifestyle".

By the way, "Sotomayor" isn't his real name--it's Thomas Jerome Harris

Thanks for playingplaying, but my dad's father died when he was really young so he made an extra effort to always be there for us.

I stopped watching because I knew he was an idiot.

There are stupid people everywhere. We shouldn't give them an outlet.

Yeah I don't know why anyone listens to him. He has little dark skinned boy problems. Hates dark Black women because him mother was hateful & treated him badly because he was dark (so he says). All he speaks is gibberish

Why are we giving this guy attention?

So many are so funny in how they swear by their rather pat juvenile analysis of a variety of topics.

What about lesbians?

I've been noticing an INCREDIBLE amount of homophobia from blacks on Facebook and even YouTube since the shootings

Smaller the mind, the smaller the outlook

I'm a gay male and the majority of my gay friends come from mother-only households and absentee fathers, myself included. We've actually discussed the single mother/absentee father theory. Not that that alone turns a kid gay, but we think it can be a contributing factor, especially for a shy, insecure boy without confidence and without a sense of his masculinity. We believe that being gay is a result of a see-saw of nature-nurture factors. I am not self-loathing, just introspective and curious about why I turned out gay.


I'm a gay male, and honest to God most of my (gay) friends come from allegedly ideal mother & father households.

NOTE: Funny thing in regards to SOTOMAYOR' theory is that in Black America don't the majority of children come from single parent households ? Hello ?

[quote]I've been noticing an INCREDIBLE amount of homophobia from blacks on Facebook and even YouTube since the shootings

Oh really? None of my black friends on FB are saying that.


Maybe you have a better ilk of friends than R7

R11 none of my black friends are either but I'm hearing virulent homophobia from blacks in the Facebook comments section

One story that I linked on my page was of the heartbreaking black female athlete from the Philly area who was just 18 when she died

A lot of blacks in the comment section are saying "that's what she gets for being a lesbian" and quoting the Bible and shit. Almost celebrating her death

So let me get this straight an black man who robs people and is shot and killed by the police is acknowledged by the black community as a hero but a black honor student and star athlete with her bright future ahead of her who MIGHT be gay is brutally gunned down by a hateful Muslim for NO REASON and she "deserved it"?

Wow the black community really is homophobic and fucked up

R9, given the amount of research that's been carried out over the years on the subject, I doubt that's the case. If there were any statistics showing that a disproportionate number of gay men had grown up without fathers, right-wingers would never shut up about it. And as R7 pointed out, how would that account for lesbians?

R15 the truth hurts?

And I'm not even white, I'm Latino and from Florida, which is why this hits close to home

Your tortured logic is what hurts.

So, by his logic, Omar's son will grow up to be gay....?

Why do so many gay people use the words "choose" and "lifestyle"? I find then both offensive, since I never chose to be gay, neither did they and I don't feel it is a lifestyle, that makes it sound like a choice, it is just a life.

Who the fuck is he? I noticed that he is self identifying as Latino.

There is a petition to shut down his YOUTube channel.

Sorry didn't notice that petition was closed, this one is open.

r13 " So let me get this straight an black man who robs people and is shot and killed by the police is acknowledged by the black community as a hero but a black honor student and star athlete with her bright future ahead of her who MIGHT be gay is brutally gunned down by a hateful Muslim for NO REASON and she "deserved it"? "

I get what you're saying overall, but this section here is a generalization. You're assuming that the people who argue that Brown shouldn't have been killed are the same ones using religion to spout homophobic crap. It's likely that the former are younger, more liberal Blacks probably not unlike those who were in Pulse, while the latter are older, conservative Blacks like the ones that denounced the BLM protests and hip-hop culture.

Black people always have to have a reason. Grew up without a father, abuse, hung around a lot of women as to why a male is gay. The hate is real. You all are thrown off buildings but the hate for Blacks is a little more

R13 Wow. So are you trying to imply that black people have some "gay-hating gene" that makes them hate gay people? So, does that make me, a black gay man, self hating? Or, do I not exist in your world where only black people and Muslims are the reason homophobia exists?

Anything to protect your straight white saviors.

Also, Latino isn't a race. It's a cultural identity. You can be white, black, Native American (Many Latinos are btw), etc. and still be Latino.

r22/r23 -- He has like 50 youtube channels; one gets shut down, he'll put up three more. He also has several "ghost" accounts pretending to be viewers patting him on the back for "speaking the truth" and arguing on his behalf. I wouldn't be surprised if he's trolling this thread. Pathetic.

That is true, absent fathers and/or domineering mothers are the cause.

Every single gay I've know has this. Of course they won't admit it, but when asked about their lives it turns out to be true.

[quote]Also, Latino isn't a race. It's a cultural identity. You can be white, black, Native American (Many Latinos are btw), etc. and still be Latino.

Incorrect, race is a self defined concept. This is why you have anything from a three race theory to a ten race theory. There's no way to define race because it's is nothing.

You can also be white AND black at the same time, or did you for get our president who is both black and white. Oh that's right he was raised white but identifies as black, to get votes.

I guess this cunt has never been to gay enclaves in Dupont or west hollywood.

[quote] That is true, absent fathers and/or domineering mothers are the cause. Every single gay I've know has this.

Allrighty well clearly you just don't know anyone gay but yourself.

Gee most of the gays I know had their fathers around and these men were such pieces of shit the gaylings were like het men are assholes and don't want to be like that.

God invented artificial insemination because he himself is sick of the heterosexual shit that passes for normalcy.

R28 sounds like a frau. Pay it no mind.

Obama doesn't "identify" as black, R29 - he, like most mixed-race people, doesn't have a choice in the matter. He pointed out that when he used to hail a cab, the fact that he was "half-white" didn't matter to the driver.

Raven Symone uses "sexual preference" on The View. It's obvious why she does it and I wish somebody would tell her to shut her fake ass up.

Remember when OBAMA disdainfully referred to his grandmother as a typical white woman ? He had pointed out in his observation what he considered her typical white woman hesitance when she would encounter black men. Maybe, but your grandparents took you in, raised you didn't they ? Your grandfather in particular who you rarely mention adored you.

Where was your wonderful father ? You know, the basis for DREAMS OF MY FATHER.

Sure you have, r7, sure you have.

Too bad it wasn't you who had their brains blown out that night.

R26 you're a moron from my PERSONAL EXPERIENCE on Facebook, I'm noticing a lot of black people saying homophobic things about the shooting and especially the innocent victims

I had to defend that one innocent black girls honor against the HATEFUL things that straight black people were saying about her on Facebook

I've come to thus conclusion through my Personal Experience, how dare you say that what I've seen from personal experience of blacks being homophobic is wrong?

If that's the case then isn't it the same if a black constantly complains about racism from white due to their PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. Are they In the wrong for thinking that?

And I'm Latino, Cuban, I don't need you to define my race asshole

I have heard these theories before. When I was in college, I took a social psychology class and there was a 40 something woman taking that class because she was trying to get a teaching degree. Anyway, that woman was a homophobic moron and she mentioned how she grew up in a home with 4 other sisters and one brother. She said that her family was surprised that her brother didn't turn out gay because he grew up in a mostly female household. I hated that moron. I was already out to some people at the college because it was in a fairly liberal city. I told the homophobe moron that I was gay and grew up in a household with two brothers and she didn't respond to me.

[quote]He assumes just because we're only hearing from the victims' mothers (and that they were mostly minorities) that the fathers are all absent from their lives

To be fair, this is usually an accurate assumption when discussing blacks in America.

[quote]This sick, self-hating fuck is using the Orlando shooting to push his "single mothers are the cause of every problem in the world" message.

Yes, of course, the problem is obviously caused by the mothers who are stuck raising these babies, as opposed to the asshole "fathers" who pump-and-dump and choose to leave their own children fatherless. Fucking sexist piece of shit.

R9, maybe your father left because you were obviously going to turn out gay?

I mean, since we're pointing fingers, and all.

The last person to post here for me was three hours ago and yet I see all of these "posts" show up in my watch list.

Read the original here:
Tommy Sotomayor: Gays "Choose" Lifestyle Because Of Absent ...

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