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Syrian expats want Obama to push for regime change

Expat Syrians are hoping President Obama will take a tough line on Syria's government. They've been protesting outside the White House, and, as Al Jazeera's Kimberly Halkett reports, they urging Obama to push for regime change.

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Syrian expats want Obama to push for regime change

Hong Kong expats' life in 1949

At the roof of a now demolished apartment building in Macdonnell Road no.62 Dutch expats spend a lazy afternoon in 1949. A Xmas dinner is prepared by their Chinese servant. On summer Sundays a car is being rent and a trip to the NT undertaken

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Hong Kong expats' life in 1949

Spring Offensive – Every Coin

you can buy this song from itunes now

Originally posted here:
Spring Offensive - Every Coin

US Uncut Tropical Tax Haven Street Dancing US Uncut brings the Cayman Islands to the NYC streets to spread the word about offshore tax havens and their upcoming CITIZENS TAX HOLIDAY CRUISE! Filmed by Dorian Wolff. Edited by Justin Wedes.

Excerpt from:
US Uncut Tropical Tax Haven Street Dancing

Offshore Banking Business – The Members

The Official Video for The Members classic Offshore Banking Business - Featuring the Members and legendary Reggae Trombonist Rico Rodriguez and his then Partner Dick Cuthell on Flugelhorn... This Song released in 1979 pre-dates most UK Reggae and is as relevant today as it was then. Rodriguez and Cuthell went onto perform with The Specials but they were with the Members First...

Continued here:
Offshore Banking Business - The Members