Biden, Obama and Clinton on Smartless – Daily Kos

POTUS and his two democratic predecessors were on the Smartless podcast. Most telling moment for me: Biden stated that more Federal funds were going to Red states than to Blue states. When one of the hosts asked him if the Red state people know this or cared, he replied that he vowed to be the president for all Americans, and he is doing so.

Obama was forceful, Clinton was funny and erudite. Although Bubba surprised me a bit when he started with a story about pot farming in the Ozarks.

Lastly, Sleepy Joe gave specific, logical answers to questions, didnt fumble pronunciations, and his sentences were coherent; but obviously those were not surprising to me.

You can listen to it on your favorite Podcast app, or on YouTube: (the haters are out in full force on YT andtheircomments are entertaining)

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Biden, Obama and Clinton on Smartless - Daily Kos

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