Gecko Jewellery, Ibiza – Ibiza Spotlight

Gecko jewellery?

We knew we were in for a treat before we even arrived. Everyone to whom I had mentioned Phil (Head of VIP for Ibiza Spotlight) and I were off to meet Reinhard Maier, Master Goldsmith of Gecko Jewellery had nothing but praise and appreciation for his work.

Reinhard is a discreet understated gentleman. As his name gives away, he was born and raised in Germany. His own Father was a Goldsmith and the work fascinated the son. Following the tradition, Reinhard undertook his apprenticeship in 1970. In 1974 however, the World changed for the aspiring jeweller and he found himself having to change tact to survive. He moved into studying as a dental technician. Nonetheless the allure of working with gold persisted and finally in 1987, he attained the accolade of Master Goldsmith.

With the support of his wife, whom he had married in 1978, Reinhard opened his own business in Germany, turning his passion into a successful business.

Across the years however, Reinhard and his wife discovered Ibiza and fell in love with the island. After nearly twenty years of success in Germany they decided to relocate.

Enter the Gecko, synonymous with Reinhards work and style.

Inspired by Ibiza and finding his creativity rekindled, Reinhard adopted the Gecko as a symbol of his appreciation, incorporating it into his now famous pieces.

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Gecko Jewellery, Ibiza - Ibiza Spotlight

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