Madonna Sorry for Using N-Word On Instagram

The pop star apologized Saturday for using a racial slur in a caption accompanying an Instagram photo of her son Friday night, which caused infuriated fans to berate her.

No one messes with Dirty Soap! Mama said knock you out! Madonna wrote, adding a variation of the N-word, the Associated Press reports. Initially calling her critics haters, the singer later took a more apologetic tone.

I am sorry if I offended anyone with my use of the N word on Instagram. It was not meant as a racial slur. I am not a racist. Theres no way to defend the use of the word. It was all about intention, she said. It was used as a term of endearment toward my son who is white. I appreciate that its a provocative word and I apologize if it gave people the wrong impression.

The singer hashas three other children, two of whom are black and adopted from the country Malawi in southeast Africa.


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Madonna Sorry for Using N-Word On Instagram

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