Big Chest – I Want to Pump You Up!

Everybody wants a big chest that pops and screams massiveness. Whether that is a word or not Im not sure, but you get the point. The first thing that comes to mind when thinking of building the pecs is the bench press, and so it should. That is the foundation of building a big chest, and it would be hard to do so without youre your pectorals (aka - chest) is one of the biggest muscle groups in your body, and needs to be trained in an intelligent way for it to grow. The chest is made up of two muscles, the Pectoralis Major and the Pectoralis Minor. The Pec major originates on the medial clavicle and 6 ribs on the sternal border. It then inserts on the intertubercular groove of the humerus. In other words, the muscle originates at the midline of your body and inserts into a small depression on your humerus (upper arm bone) just below your shoulder joint. The second muscle that makes up your chest is the Pectoralis Minor. This muscle originates on the anterior (front) surface of ribs 3-5, and inserts on the corocoid process of the scapula (just before the end of the clavicle). Knowing a little bit about where muscles originate and insert can actually help you train them. Now to the fun part, how do you build a chest that is strong and big? It all comes down to how you train. There are not a wide array of exercises for chest other than forms of pressing and flies. Therefore, we must find a way of manipulating reps, tempo and movement patterns to keep our muscle fibers growing, also known as hypertrophy. Think of training your chest in a block like fashion. For example:

Block 1:

Learning Phase: (Learning the movement and mastering the form through full Range of motion.)

High Incline Barbell Press- 4x12 Middle Incline Barbell Press- 4x12 Flat Barbell Press- 4x12

High Incline Dumbbell Press-4x12 Mid Incline Dumbbell Press-4x12 Flat Dumbbell Press- 4x12

Incline DB Flies- 3x12 Flat DB Flies- 3x12

Youll notice here that this block is high volume and low intensity.

Block 2:

Intensification Phase:

See more here:
Big Chest - I Want to Pump You Up!

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