Hopkins County Republicans Call for Slaton to Resign – KSST

Local Republicans issue press release calling for District 2 Texas House Representative Bryan Slaton to resign in the wake of a report issued by the House General Investigating Committee. See previous story here: Slaton Faces Expulsion

The following Press Release was received by KSST News:

For immediate Release:

It is with much sadness that we the below, 10 members of the 11 member Hopkins County RepublicanParty Executive Committee, call on Representative Bryan Slaton to immediately resign asRepresentative of House District # 2. After reading the report of the House General Investigating Committee, in the matter of Representative Bryan L. Slaton, there is no other recommendation that we can make. While we commend Representative Slaton for much good work, we cannot condone conduct unbecoming a member of the House of Representatives as set forth by the House rules and the laws of the State of Texas. It is our hope that Representative Slaton will heed our call and let the healing process begin with his family, the victim and her family, and all other parties involved. We encourage everyone to continue in prayer and lift all involved up in prayer to God for his loving comfort and healing.Donnie W. Wisenbaker, Hopkins County Republican Chairman

James Thompson, Precinct # 1 Chair Vince Palumbo, Precinct # 2 ChairKaron Weatherman, Precinct # 2A Chair Nancy Swint, Precinct # 3 ChairJohn Allen, Precinct # 3A Chair Debbie Harris, Precinct # 4 ChairDaniel Bobay, Precinct # 16 Chair Jennifer Harrington, Precinct # 17 ChairMelonie Findley, Precinct # 36 Chair

As members of the State Republican Partys Executive Committee, that serves Hopkins County, we support the Hopkins County Republican Party Executive Committee members in their call for Representative Slatons immediate resignation. Christian Bentley, SD-1 State Republican Party Executive Committee, CommitteewomanDonnie W. Wisenbaker, SD-1 State Republican Party Executive Committee, Committeeman

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Hopkins County Republicans Call for Slaton to Resign - KSST

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