Letter: I favor conservatives over progressives – The Dispatch Argus

America First conservatives have never called for a civil war. Those are the words of Karl Marx progressives. I personally want elections that are free of determinative fraud and honor the principle of one legitimate ballot per one legitimate voter.

I favor electing America First Conservatives over Karl Marx progressives. I prefer using the sacred right to vote to form a righteous government. A government that will restore the constitutional republic of the United States to a land of divine promise. This creates a much better Society than any form of Karl Marx tyranny.

We already had our Revolutionary War, our Civil War, our world wars, our Civil Rights Movement. It is not a civil war that America needs, "We the people" are fighting a spiritual war over the heart and soul of our government. One nation under God or one nation under tyranny. No shots have to be fired, but elections have to be free and fair.

Chairman Stowe Foundation of Illinois

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Letter: I favor conservatives over progressives - The Dispatch Argus

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