Letter to the editor: Pence’s testimony potentially devastating for Trump – TribLIVE

Is anyone surprised that former President Trump is attempting to silence his Vice President Mike Pence, seeking court action to block his testimony regarding Trumps efforts to overturn the legitimate result of the 2020 presidential election?

Trump does not seem to be an intelligent man, but he is smart enough to know that any testimony provided by the ever-loyal Pence could be devastating to him and land him squarely in even greater legal jeopardy than he currently faces.

Repugnant though his ultra-conservative ideology is, Pence has demonstrated himself to be an honest man and one who respects the rule of law and the Constitution. He would be expected to offer the whole truth and unlike the former president, to eschew any assertion of Fifth Amendment privilege.

Trump must not be permitted to run out the clock, to again stymie the effort to bring him to justice. I have to believe that the courts will see through his efforts to hold self-interest supreme and will reject this latest ploy.

Oren Spiegler


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Letter to the editor: Pence's testimony potentially devastating for Trump - TribLIVE

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