They’ve discovered a method to colonize Mars: through … – Nates’s Crest

Mars is one of Earths neighboring planetswith Venus. This star has, for years, been the object of study by various European agencies, as signs of past life may be found there or even a new opportunity to establish a human colony there.

Therefore, the NASA is already preparing missions to the Red Planet Also, other organizations such as the European Space Agency are investigating how life might be possible there. In a new study, researchers at the University of Warwick have explored how the Red Planet can harness solar energy.

With this power, the Plant photosynthesis on Mars. In addition, space travel will be more stable and will require it Less storage space and less cost. Scientists have tested a new technique to achieve this using renewable green energy.

They take advantage of plants photosynthesis To generate energyThey are their mouse study, published in the journal Nature Communications. Theyll do it on the Moon and Mars using semiconductors that absorb and store light.

These are Artificial Photosynthetic Devices They undergo the same processes that keep plants alive on Earth: using only sunlight to convert water into oxygen. Meanwhile, they recycle carbon dioxide.

Considering the future, this energy, if installed on the Moon or Mars, can Helps boost rockets or to complement the astronauts systems Produces oxygen This allows you to breathe properly. Other chemical products may also be formed, which are illustrative University of Warwick.

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They've discovered a method to colonize Mars: through ... - Nates's Crest

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