Keep illegal immigrants at bay by axing freebies – Wyoming Tribune

I have a solution to the illegal immigration problem. I have no illusions that any of this will ever take place, but this is what happens when an old man has time to just sit and cogitate. (I know that cogitating can be dangerous, but I still do it.)

My solution? Remove any and all incentives for anyone to come to America illegally. Make the E-Verify system mandatory. Make it next to impossible for an illegal to find work or earn any money. Then stop all the free stuff. No food stamps, no welfare and no subsidies of any kind. The only freebie would be a free ticket back to where they came from.

Of course, there would have to be exceptions, but on a case-by-case basis and based on humanitarian concerns.

For any illegal that commits a crime, a special prison, perhaps similar to the tent prison Sheriff Joe built in Arizona. No television, no radios and no recreational facilities. Also feed them a very bland and bare-subsistence diet. Then, make any crime a minimum 30 days, and after they complete the sentence, deport them with a warning that if they come back and are caught, they will go back to that prison for double the time of their original sentence.

I think this solution would solve the illegal immigration problem, and I guarantee it would cause widespread outrage, demonstrations and riots all across America by the bleeding-heart liberals. So be it!

More here:
Keep illegal immigrants at bay by axing freebies - Wyoming Tribune

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