Immigration: Grewal And Murphy putting your family in danger – New Jersey 101.5 FM Radio

Its one thing to talk about diversity and inclusion. Its another to use a political talking point and turn it into a threat to public safety.

Thats exactly what happened when New Jersey Attorney General Gurbir Grewal made New Jersey a sanctuary state not just for those who are on the wrong side of our immigration laws, but also accused criminals like the accused child rapist who was let go hours before ICE agents arrived to keep him in custody.

As if bail reform and sanctuary state policies weren't bad enough for public safety, now Murphy and Grewal have been successful pushing through driver's licenses for illegal aliens. Whats worse is there is a directive from the state that will not allow state agencies and law enforcement to cooperate with the federal government and share information. It's literally the opposite of what the 9/11 Commission recommended and law enforcement followed after the terror attack where 3,000 Americans lost their lives at the hands of terrorists.

Weve heard about the threat to public safety that the sanctuary state policies have created Jersey guy Matt Albence, who is the acting secretary of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, joined me a few weeks ago. Today we were fortunate to hear from another strong leader in Washington, the acting deputy director for the Department of Homeland Security, Ken Cuccinelli. He explained how giving illegal aliens drivers licenses is posing a very clear danger to law enforcement and our communities.

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Immigration: Grewal And Murphy putting your family in danger - New Jersey 101.5 FM Radio

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