EDITORIAL: Our dream speech (and probably only in our dreams) – Arkansas Online

Editor's note: Word around the campfire is that Border Patrol is gathering up more than 10,000 illegal aliens a day at the United States-Mexico border. Confusion is everywhere. Some illegals tried to get to this country before a policy deadline Thursday night, and some waited for after that same policy deadline. Here is a speech we offer free to the president of the United States. The White House is more than welcome to copy and paste this to a TelePrompTer:

Good evening. Usually presidents of the United States address the American people in these kinds of speeches, or, in times of emergency, perhaps the entire world. I address these remarks to a special few--a special few thousand, or maybe tens of thousands, massing in northern Mexico.

Where to begin? I understand that United States Border Control is already seeing a massive wave of illegal immigrants, and expects more in the days to come. The newspapers of this country say there is much confusion among immigrants in northern Mexico, who come from countries all over Latin America. Maybe even beyond. Some of these border crossers told the press that they rushed to get here before Title 42 expired; some told the press exactly the opposite--that they were waiting in Mexico until the expiration was official. This is what happens when smugglers and coyotes not only take control of some folks' life savings, but their information, or rather misinformation, sources.

I understand that "the beginning" is always a good place to start. So let's note this first: The United States has always been a nation of immigrants, even before there was a United States. And that's not going to change. Sure, there are cranks, but most thinking Americans know that our economy benefits from having immigrants work in many occupations.

From the Irish fleeing a potato famine, to Germans fleeing fascism, to Asians looking to escape poverty--and for all those from other parts of the world looking for their own American Dream--this country has not only accepted them over the centuries, but for the most part, welcomed them.

Having said that . . . .

This is a nation of laws, including immigration laws. Those who cross our borders illegally will be treated like illegal aliens, as any other nation would treat those who ignore its internationally recognized borders.

As for this Title 42 policy that has been twisted and turned around to supposedly say anything that a human trafficker wants it to say: It is true that the previous administration created Title 42 during the pandemic to expel immigrants on the fast track, and that policy ended with a sunset clause this past week. But that is not, repeat not, an open invitation. My administration plans to implement new limits on immigrants, and those who don't qualify will be quickly sent back to their own countries.

Yes, my administration will send you back. We have plans already drawn up to do just that. And that long, treacherous, expensive, often deadly trip you made to northern Mexico will be for nothing. Don't do it.

You might have heard that I've deployed more American soldiers to the border in anticipation of this so-called wave. They are there to block this wave. Governors of certain border states are using their own National Guards to free up Border Patrol for more surveillance and watch-keeping. Like most other nations of the world, the United States is serious about its border.

Citizens of the United States know how lucky they are to live here. And we understand that people flow toward jobs like water flows downhill. But we demand that our laws are followed and, just as we've developed ways to build levees to keep floods from our homes, we have developed ways to keep illegal immigration from flooding our borders. Including holding cells. And more Border Patrol funding. And bus tickets heading down south.

To those who've done things the legal way, the appropriate way, and have taken their turn in line, I say: Welcome to the United States.

For those who'd skip the line and break our laws to illegally sneak into this country, we as Americans say: Here's your bus ticket home.

Thank you, and God bless--not just the United States of America, but all those who'd become fellow citizens of this country in the future.

Provided they get here legally.

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EDITORIAL: Our dream speech (and probably only in our dreams) - Arkansas Online

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