Immortality: A Love Story – Plugged In

In some ways, Hazel Sinnetts life has been a privileged one. Shes a young noblewoman from a wealthy family who has been given all the advantages that her familys money can afford.

But, frankly, 17-year-old Hazel hasnt ever taken an easy path. She hasnt simply relied on her attractiveness and position to help her find a suitable husband and start a suitable family. In fact, she has run determinedly away from suitable at every turn.

The idea of healing the human body has always consumed Hazels attention. Shes wanted nothing more than to become a doctor. A surgeon, in factthough she is forbidden to do so in 19th-century Edinburgh. She has lied, deceived, disguised herself as a boy and worked diligently to absorb every shred of medical knowledge she can.

Of course, if Im being absolutely truthful, thats not the only thing Hazel has ever desired. There was also a young man.

Their meeting was, shall we say, unusual. In an effort to procure human corpses to autopsy and learn from, Hazel turned to young Jack Currer, a desperate sort who stole freshly buried bodies from the graveyard for a living. During their secret interactions and late-night conversations, they fell in love. And then everything else fell apart.

Hazel nearly lost her life. And Jack likely did.

Now Hazels world is turned upside down. She is alone.

Amid losing Jack and any chance of accreditation, her clandestine work treating the broken bones, torn flesh and rotting teeth of the poor caused her great trouble. One case brought Hazels activities into the public eye. And it got her thrown in jail for murder.

Hazel is currently wasting to skin-and-bone in a filthy jail cell. She has no one there to help. No one to care. But even as her life wastes away, there is hope. For Princess Charlotte in London is mysteriously ill. And she wont let her male doctors touch her.

Hazel, however, is no male doctor. And even people in the royal court are, lately, whispering about the lady doctor in Scotland. After losing nearly everything, Hazelwho can never be a doctormight just be called to doctor a royal.

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Immortality: A Love Story - Plugged In

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