Is Biden too old to be US President? Hillary Clinton’s I can do the job reply – Hindustan Times

Hillary Clinton said that former US President Donald Trump will not win the next election but Joe Biden will be re-elected no matter who the Republican candidate is. Former Democratic presidential candidate and secretary of state Hillary Clinton said, more people are onto him [Trump] and his behaviour than they were before, as per Sky News.

I always thought about him, if you follow him you can see it - he accuses people of things he himself is doing, it's a form of psychological projection. I always thought his record in business in particular, but then as we saw him in politics and government, he was someone who cared nothing about rules. He cared nothing about the law, Hillary Clinton said.

There is nothing that the US legal system can do to prevent Donald Trump from running for president again despite the hush money payment indictment, she said, adding, "But even if he gets the Republican nomination, he cannot, in my view, be re-elected president. I think more people are on to him and his behaviour than they were before. He has a hard core of support that is likely to help him win the Republican nomination. But in a general election against President Biden, I do not believe he can win.

On Florida governor Ron De Santis, who is expected to run for president as a Republican candidate, Hillary Clinton said that he will be unsuccessful as he is "unproven".

Nobody really outside of Florida knows very much about him, and in Florida, they're watching him do crazy things. So I actually believe that President Biden will be re-elected regardless of who the Republican nominee is, she said.

Dismissing suggestions that Joe Biden is too old to be president, Hillary Clinton said, I feel like I could do the job. I'm in my mid-70s.

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Is Biden too old to be US President? Hillary Clinton's I can do the job reply - Hindustan Times

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