Hillary Clinton: Trump cant win the next election… people are onto him – The Independent

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Hillary Clinton has insisted Donald Trump would not be re-elected even if he wins the Republican nomination to run for president next year.

The former Democratic candidate said people are more onto him than during the last two elections.

Ms Clinton added that he has a hard core of support which will help him secure the Republican nomination. But, speaking to Sky News, she said: In a general election against president Joe Biden, I do not believe he can win.

People are more onto him and his behaviour than they were before.

Ms Clinton went on to say she believes Mr Biden will be re-elected no matter who he comes up against. The 75-year-old branded Mr Trumps main Republican rival Ron DeSantis unproven, adding that nobody really outside of Florida knows very much about him.

She added: In Florida they are watching him do crazy things. So I actually believe that president Biden will be re-elected regardless of who the Republican nominee is.

Ms Clinton praised Mr Bidens record in office, including garnering support for Ukraine, uniting Asian countries against Chinese aggressiveness and passing major legislation through congress. She said: Look what hes getting done.

She said: We are living back in a time when a lot of people expect their leaders to be performers, not producers. Ms Clinton added that Mr Biden is not a performer like Boris Johnson or Mr Trump, and thank God for that.

Dismissing criticism of Mr Biden, who would be 86 at the end of a second presidential term, as too old to run for re-election, Ms Clinton said: I feel like I could do the job. Im in my mid-seventies.

Ms Clinton lost the 2016 presidential election to Mr Trump after a campaign dubbed the most bitter in recent American history by The New Yorker.

She spoke to Skys Beth Rigby at Belfasts Queens University, where she is chancellor, for a three-day conference to mark 25 years of the Northern Irish peace deal.

Former Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams, former UK prime minister Tony Blair and former Irish PM Bertie Ahern spoke on Monday, addressing the anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement.

Ms Clinton, Barack Obamas former secretary of state, also urged the US and Nato to do much more to supply the planes and anti-aircraft missiles Ukraine needs amid Russias ongoing invasion.

Ukraine is getting enough help to be able to withstand the Russian invasion. It needs to get enough help to repel the Russian invasion, she said.

Ms Clinton warned that Russian president Vladimir Putins brutality knows no bounds. The Russians are taking enormous losses. I want to keep the pressure up and make it even more on the Russians because as we now look at the available information, they could get more brutal in terms of the air defence, she said.

Thats why the Ukrainians need more help to repel that, she added.

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Hillary Clinton: Trump cant win the next election... people are onto him - The Independent

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