Leads Colleagues in Resolution Recognizing One-Year Anniversary… – Senator Rick Scott

WASHINGTON, D.C. Today, Senator Rick Scott led a resolution with Senators Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and Mike Braun marking the one-year anniversary of last Julys historic democracy demonstrations in Cuba and condemning the illegitimate communist Cuban regimes horrific oppression aimed at silencing Cubans as they demand freedom on the island. Senator Scott continues to be a voice for the Cuban people, bringing awareness to the inhumane treatment they face and calling for support of freedom fighters like Jos Daniel Ferrer and the hundreds of others, including children, who have been unjustly imprisoned for months by the regime. A companion resolution was introduced by Representatives Mario Daz-Balart, Mara Elvira Salazar, Carlos A. Gimnez, Rick Crawford and Michael McCaul in the U.S. House of Representatives. Read the full resolution HERE.

Senator Rick Scott said, Since the July 11th demonstrations, the Cuban peoples fight for patria y vida and democracy in Cuba has only grown stronger. We will never rest until the freedom-loving people of Cuba are liberated from the illegitimate communist regime that continues to oppress and torture them. For decades, we have seen how the cowardly regime attacks, kidnaps, tortures, jails and murders the brave people of Cuba whose only ask is for their God-given basic human rights. These attacks and oppression must end. A new day of freedom in Cuba is closer than ever before, and I wont stop fighting until we see an end to the Castro/Daz-Canel regime.

Senator Marco Rubio said, The Cuban peoples desire for basic freedoms, following decades of oppression under the criminal Castro/Daz-Canel dictatorship, were heard worldwide as they courageously took to the streets on 11J. As a result of their courage, the regime arbitrarily detained, tortured, and censored civilians, including minors. The Biden Administration must end its policy of concessions to the communist regime and hold the dictatorship accountable.

Senator Ted Cruz said, The Cuban people are facing a monumental struggle against a brutal totalitarian communist regime and its one that my family knows all too well. Its impossible to overstate the uncommon bravery and determination of those willing to risk everything to speak out against this oppression. May God bless these individuals and their fight for liberty.

Senator Mike Braun said, Im proud to join this resolution commending the courageous Cubans fighting for human rights against an oppressive regime and the evils of communism. The horrors of communist dictatorships worldwide must never be forgotten, and countries around the world must do their part to shed light on the oppression that brave citizens have endured from their own governments. God bless these men and women in their fight for liberty, and let them be an example for others around the globe fighting for the same basic rights.

Congressman Mario Daz-Balart said, One year ago, thousands of Cubans risked everything to demand freedom. This important resolution marks that pivotal day in Cubas history and honors the courage of those who sacrificed for a free and democratic Cuba. While hundreds of Cubans still languish in prison, we must remain steadfast in our solidarity with the Cuban people by tightening sanctions on their oppressors and expanding internet access, broadcasting, and democracy-building for the Cuban people. I commend my colleagues in the House and Senate for their leadership and for standing with the Cuban people.

Congressman Carlos A. Gimnez said, We commemorate the anniversary of the freedom fighters in Cuba and their stand against communism, the very system of social, political, and economic oppression that has brought misery, poverty, and death to the Cuban people. Its time for the United States to stand up for free and fair elections in Cuba, for freeing all political prisoners held by the regime, for the establishment of a free and independent press, and for connecting the Cuban people with internet free of censorship.

Congresswoman Mara Elvira Salazar said, On July 11, 2021, the Cuban people took to the streets shouting Libertad in historic protests after having lost everything to the regime including their fear. Peaceful demonstrators were violated, beaten, and unjustly sentenced to prison for decades. Today, the regime continues to oppress its people, but we remain confident that we have finally witnessed the beginning of the end. May God bless the brave Cuban people in their fight for freedom.

Congressman Rick Crawford said, The Castro/Daz-Canel dictatorship continue their oppressive reign over the Cuban people. Last year, they once again took extreme measures to silence their own citizens who support democracy. We will always stand with the Cuban people in their pursuit for basic liberty and democracy.

Congressman Michael McCaul said, Last year, thousands of brave Cubans from all walks of life demanded the end of the repressive communist dictatorship. Im proud to join my House and Senate colleagues in this resolution honoring the protestors bravery in shining a spotlight on the regimes oppression. The July 11th protests must be a clarion call to the Biden administration that its policies of unilateral concessions are an affront to the Cuban peoples demand for freedom.


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Leads Colleagues in Resolution Recognizing One-Year Anniversary... - Senator Rick Scott

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