The sisters of Enrique Iglesias play chess in a bikini and show their perfect figure – themediatimes


Cristina and Victoria Iglesias already have many fans on social networks

The twins Cristina and Victoria Iglesias, Daughters of the singer Julio Iglesias and Miranda Rijnsburger, made headlines last year when they reached the age of majority and attended the Dance of Debutants, the event attended by members of the high society.

But in their daily life, Enrique Iglesias Half-sisters like to share moments Instagram; Her publications show her great beauty, like the youngest, in which one plays chess by the sea in a bikini and the other in a white swimsuit.


According to the message Cristina wrote next to the picture, she won the game. The girls have gradually become followers of this social network, showing their love of riding, fashion and wearing their bodies in bikinis, which reflects that beauty comes from the family.

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The variety of video games always amazes him. He loves the hustle and bustle of OutRun as well as the tranquil walks of Dear Esther. Diving into other worlds is an incomparable feeling for him: he understood it when he first played in Shenmue.


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The sisters of Enrique Iglesias play chess in a bikini and show their perfect figure - themediatimes

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