Hamsini excels in Chess – Ipswich News Today

Byron Peszko

Springfield youngster, Hamsini Dudipall (now aged nine) was recently presented the 2021 Under 7s and 2022 Under 8s Queensland Girls Chess Champion awards and shows no signs of slowing down.

Hamsini began playing chess at a young age with her family at the local library for fun before turning it into a hobby full time.

When I was five, I would go to the local library with my family for a game of chess. I started liking that and went there often to play. When I moved to Spring Mountain, I got a chess coach here, and continued playing here.

Hamsini joined the YMCA Springfield Ipswich Chess Club centre coached by club president Ed Cubilla. My first coach was Ed Cubilla who runs the club, says Hamsini.

From there, Hamsini began to play competitively. After playing at the local YMCA centre for some time, Hamsinis father Madhava says she was playing against adults to gain more experience.

At the end of last month, Hamsini competed in the Queensland Junior Chess Championships in Brisbane and despite not winning a trophy, it didnt bother her too much.

She says the best thing about Chess is that it involves a lot of thinking and using your brain in a different way. Its like a mind game and you also need to calculate a lot. Its a very fun game to play as well.

When it comes to Chess, theres a couple things Hamsini says not many people know about the sport.

Theres some special moves in Chess, one is called en passant in French. It means in passing which is the capture of an enemy pawn on an adjacent file that has just made an initial two-square advance.

Theres also a move called Castling. Youve got to touch your King first, you cant touch your Rook. If you touch your Rook, your Rook has to move.

Hamsinis father Madhava is proud of his daughters interest and achievements in the sport, but says more needs to be done in terms of grants and support for the sport.

Were paying out of pocket. The entry fee (to a tournament) can be seventy to ninety dollars. To get coached, it costs sixty dollars per class. Hamsini will practice everyday by herself, because its very costly to have face to face coaching lessons.

Looking ahead, Hamsini says she will continue playing Chess full time but has other plans lined up.

It would be nice to become a professional Chess champion when I grow up, but I want to become a doctor. But if I become a doctor, its going to be full time work and wont have time to play Chess.

Hamsini says even if you dont win, you can still have fun playing Chess.

Good luck with Chess. You might not win, but you can still have fun.

It comes as Ipswich City Council recently installed six chess tables in the Robelle Domain, Springfield Central, with thanks to Ed Cubilla.

Mr Cubilla who pitched the idea to Councillor Nicole Jonic gathered more than 400 signatures in support of the project. Councillor Nicole Jonic said she was pleased to be able to help Springfield Ipswich Chess Club bring the idea to fruition for the benefit of the community.

When Ed put this idea forward, I was immediately excited and happy to help the club bring it to fruition for the betterment of the community.

Mr Cubilla said he was thankful for the support in getting Chess into the open space for the local community to enjoy.

I am really delighted we now have this amazing new area where people can meet and make new friends and enjoy a game of chess in a friendly, healthy and culturally inclusive environment.

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Hamsini excels in Chess - Ipswich News Today

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