Archive for the ‘Rand Paul’ Category

Sen. Rand Paul Appears On the Record with Greta Van Susteren- March 7, 2014 – Video

Sen. Rand Paul Appears On the Record with Greta Van Susteren- March 7, 2014

By: SenatorRandPaul

Originally posted here:

Sen. Rand Paul Appears On the Record with Greta Van Susteren- March 7, 2014 - Video

Sen. Rand Paul Speaks at CPAC 2014- March 7, 2014 – Video

Sen. Rand Paul Speaks at CPAC 2014- March 7, 2014

By: SenatorRandPaul

Read the rest here:

Sen. Rand Paul Speaks at CPAC 2014- March 7, 2014 - Video

Ted Cruz Disagrees With Rand Paul – Video

Ted Cruz Disagrees With Rand Paul
more here at

By: Speakmymind02

Here is the original post:

Ted Cruz Disagrees With Rand Paul - Video

Rand Paul on Fox News Sunday w/ Chris Wallace 3/9/14 – Video

Rand Paul on Fox News Sunday w/ Chris Wallace 3/9/14
Rand Paul on Fox News Sunday 3/9/14.

By: LibertySource

Go here to read the rest:

Rand Paul on Fox News Sunday w/ Chris Wallace 3/9/14 - Video

USA: Rand Paul attacks Obama for allowing ‘detention of US citizens without trial’ – Video

USA: Rand Paul attacks Obama for allowing #39;detention of US citizens without trial #39;
W/S Rand Paul enters stage SOT, Rand Paul, Junior United States Senator for Kentucky (in English): "When Congress passed legislation allowing for the indefin...

By: wizzach wizz


USA: Rand Paul attacks Obama for allowing 'detention of US citizens without trial' - Video