Archive for the ‘Illegal Immigration’ Category

Trump’s Illegal Immigration Ban Threatens All of Us – Huffington Post

The focus of my work and writing is the environment. But I write today to express my personal outrage, sorrow, and embarrassment at the ban imposed by Donald Trump on entrance to the United States by people from seven countries in the Middle East - based solely on their country of origin.

This action is inhumane, immoral, and indefensible. Not only is the ban based on the unsupportable factual premise that it will prevent acts of terrorism in the United States, but it violates constitutional protections and the explicit statutory prohibition against exclusion based on national origin enacted by Congress in 1965. Contrary to its asserted purpose, Trump's action is more likely to fan the flames that feed terrorism in this country and around the civilized world.

The ban is blatantly un-American - inimical to our long-held values of equality and inclusion embodied in the Declaration of Independence and symbolized by the Statue of Liberty. All Americans should be outraged, and all of us need to oppose it.

I join in condemning this divisive, destructive, and despicable action taken in the name of our country by a dangerous President who has already demonstrated - and by this latest action once again confirmed - that he has little regard for facts, no apparent interest in the complexities of addressing the real needs of the people his office exists to serve, and a distorted understanding of the constitutional principles on which this country has been built - a foundation that for centuries has made this country unique in the world.

Each of us has a stake in collective action against the immigration ban, because the danger posed by Trump isn't limited to one religion, region, gender, or ethnic classification, one social, cultural or economic group, or one special interest or issue. The attack launched this week against immigrants from the seven banned countries betrays a sickening lack of judgment that threatens all of us whatever our demographic or concern -- from national security to environmental protection to civil rights to our constitutional system of laws. Complacency in the hope that, if given a chance, Donald Trump intends or will inevitably be compelled to moderate his behavior is a prescription for escalating, irreparable, and widespread harm -- to our families, our communities, and our future.

The responsibility to oppose the dangerous demagoguery of this President isn't dictated by political party or ideology. His reckless policies and blatant disregard for fact aren't a matter of right or left but of right or wrong - and of our personal and national interest. His illegal ban on access to this country is antithetical to basic standards of human decency that Americans fought and died to defend in opposing dictatorship and genocide in World War II.

The good news is that Trump's action is already being challenged in the streets and in court, and a stay of the ban was issued on Saturday by the federal court in Brooklyn. Other such actions - whether their focus is civil rights, environmental progress, our social fabric, or our humanity -- must be challenged as well. No matter the issue - this one or the next -- we will succeed only if each of us, together, does whatever we can.

Stand up, speak out, and be heard. Get involved. Oppose Trump's immigration ban.

Take action. Today.

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Trump's Illegal Immigration Ban Threatens All of Us - Huffington Post

SF Archbishop: Church Will Help Illegal Aliens ‘Know Their Rights’ – Breitbart News


Cordileone described his feelings about Trumps executive actions on immigration as nervous, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. Trump recently signed two executive actions on immigration, which include direction to build the promised wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, hire 10,000 additional U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers, and deny federal grant funds to sanctuary cities i.e. those that, to varying degrees, protect illegal aliens from enforcement of federal immigration law.


The Archbishop stated that the church would protect those who could be deported for being present in the U.S. illegally and would make sure these foreign nationals know their rights.

Catholic Charities is among several organizations that receive federal funds to resettle refugees in the U.S. Breitbart previously reported on the $1 billion in federal funds spent on refugee resettlement in 2015 alone.

San Francisco is one of many sanctuary cities around the country that stand to lose their federal funding if they refuse to comply with federal immigration laws.

Cardileone acknowledged that Trumps actions were expected, but said, We dont know whats going to happen. The Chronicle reported the Archbishops expression that Trump appears to be focusing on criminals, so hopefully the people who are here, who are working and contributing to society, can continue to be able to do so.

The archbishop added his encouragement over Trumps support for the March for Life as he spoke at a prayer service for a 61-year-old man who had been beaten to death.

In October 2016 Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) office blastedPresident Barack Obamas administration for allowing over 180,000 foreign nationals that have committed crimes within the United States to remain in America. Sessions office added that the Obama administration had allowed approximately 1 million illegal aliens with orders for removal to remain within the country.

San Francisco was the site of the death of Kate Steinle in July 2015. Steinle was killed at the hands of five-times deported, seven-time convicted felon illegal alien Juan Franciso Lopez-Sanchez. Lopez-Sanchez made a jailhouse confession to the crime and said that he had originally chosen to travel to San Francisco because of the citys policies hindering the deportation of illegal aliens.

Follow Michelle Moons on Twitter @MichelleDiana

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SF Archbishop: Church Will Help Illegal Aliens 'Know Their Rights' - Breitbart News

Putting ‘illegal’ back into illegal immigration: Doug McIntyre – LA Daily News

Its about to get real.

Last week President Trump lowered the boom on Americas pourous borders by signing an Executive Order authorizing construction of a 2,000-mile wall from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean. The President also put hundreds of sanctuary cities on notice that his administration will enforce Americas immigration laws. Cities that refuse to comply risk losing Federal funding for both essential and non-essential services. No place has more skin in this game than Los Angeles, the city that gave birth to sanctuary policies back 1979.

When then-LAPD chief Darryl Gates issued Special Order 40 the police directive that prohibits officers from initiating a stop based on suspicion of an immigration violations L.A. quickly became the place to go for illegal immigrants. Why not? The welcome mat was out.

As well intentioned as Special Order 40 might have been, the law of unintended consequences kicked in. Crime didnt drop, it soared.

But some things did fall.

Wages for working men and women plunged while graduation rates in LAUSD schools sank to historic lows. What went up is poverty. Way up. According the Census Bureaus Supplemental Poverty Measure, California is the poverty capital of America, both by percentage of population and in real numbers, with 20.6-percent of Californias 38-plus million residents living below the poverty line. Thats 5.5-percent higher than the national average, approximately 19 million struggling to survive.

How can this be?

Progressive, liberal, forward-thinking California has every natural advantage: the worlds greatest climate, abundant natural resources, World Class colleges and universities, Silicon Valley and Hollywood as well as magnificent ports and harbors perfectly positioned on the Pacific Rim to ride the crest of the rising tide of trade with Asia. Yet, somehow, California has more people living in poverty than Mississippi or Alabama or any of those backward, knuckle-dragging, redneck states its so fashionable for West Coasters to disparage.

The why is obvious.

California has something else those other less-enlightened states dont have, the nations largest population of illegal immigrants.

Obvious to everyone but our leaders.

Sanctuary policies encouraged the poorest of the hemispheres poor to come to L.A. We effectively imported poverty on a mass scale, overwhelming law enforcement, our schools and the social safety net while forcing our poor to compete with even poorer people for the first rung on the ladder of success. We cheapened labor far beyond the strawberry fields of Oxnard.


Rather than an honest examination of this complex issue our alleged leaders pandered to an emerging demographic group and demagogued anyone with a dissenting opinion as a racist and xenophobe. And, tragically, the news media drove the getaway car.

The statutory term illegal alien has long been banished followed a few years later by illegal immigrant, as if these words are hate speech. To be pro-border enforcement is to be labeled anti-immigrant, as if there is no distinction. Im sure drunk drivers would appreciate the same courtesy from the media.

With the stroke of his pen President Trump put the illegal back into illegal immigration. Thats a good first step.

What will follow is not going to be pretty. We have become addicted to cheap labor and withdrawal from any addiction is not pain free.

The pushers of open borders will throw the kitchen sink at Trump on this one. The battle lines have been drawn.

The fight over control of our borders represents a continuation of the eternal American battle between States Rights and Federalism. Its Jefferson versus Hamilton, John C. Calhoun versus Andrew Jackson, Jefferson Davis versus Abraham Lincoln, Orval Faubus versus Dwight Eisenhower and now Jerry Brown and Eric Garcetti versus Donald Trump.

Theres a grand irony in all this.

Had we been allowed to have an honest debate on immigration, with all sides represented, not just the pro-amnesty arguments, had we taken even a few commonsense steps to correct the injustice of rewarding folks for cutting the line, Donald J. Trump would never have been elected president.

Or likely anything else.

Doug McIntyres column appears Sundays. Hear him weekday mornings, 5-10 on AM 790 KABC. He can be reached at:

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Putting 'illegal' back into illegal immigration: Doug McIntyre - LA Daily News

LAPD police chief vows to not comply with Trump’s immigration orders –

Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck says he wont order his officers to comply with President Donald Trumps plan to utilize local police departments to help federal authorities arrest and deport illegal immigrants.

Becks comments came in a recent interview with the Los Angeles Times.

This is not our job, nor will I make it our job, Beck said of Trumps immigration plan in November, according to the Times.

But even if it was their job, Beck told a Times columnist that it would not be feasible or safe to deport all of the illegal immigrants living in Los Angeles, given that it would require the entire LAPD force.

We couldnt deport 500,000 people if we wanted to, and if we did, it would be at the expense of public safety, Beck said, explaining that it would require police officers to focus on tracking down immigrants instead of combatting crime.

More from the Times:

If undocumented immigrants are convicted of violent felonies, Beck thinks they should serve their time and then be deported. But the crime rate is no greater among immigrants than the rest of the population, he said.

Beck said he doesnt want to poke the new president in the eye. But with 40 years of experience, he thinks he understands his city and how to best police it, and hes not inclined to bow to simple-minded political rhetoric.

And even if Trump does require local agencies to assist federal law enforcement agencies in deporting immigrants, Beck told the Times that he will still disobey Trump given his personal convictions even if it costs his city millions in federal aid dollars.

Id risk losing my beliefs, Beck said if he were to comply with Trump. Theres not a price for me to do this differently.

During his interview Beck also explained that he thinks a better way to combat Americas illegal immigration problem would be to help strength the economies of Mexico and other Central American countries.

We have a very rich country with a lot of opportunity that is immediately adjacent to a poorer country with less opportunity, Beck said of the economic disparity between America and counties to our south.

In addition, Beck said that cracking down on illegal immigration would have adverse effects on crime, likely causing a spike because illegal immigrants would be too afraid to openly report crime, causing them to become a victim population.

When you create a shadow population that fears any interaction with police, Beck told the Times, then you create a whole population of victims, because they become prey for human predators who extort them or abuse them because they know they wont contact the police.

In the mid-1990s, when the state cracked down [on] illegal immigration, all we did was drive people underground, he explained.

So that helped me realize were doing this wrong, the police chief added. We have a system set up here that is penalizing people we should be protecting, and thats when we started to change the impound procedures.

According to the Associated Press, Trump definitely wants to recruit local law enforcement agencies to help federal agencies combat illegal immigration.


LAPD police chief vows to not comply with Trump's immigration orders -

Trump’s trade war with Mexico could cause illegal immigration – New York Daily News


Updated: Friday, January 27, 2017, 4:51 PM

MEXICO CITY If President Trump makes good on threats to gut NAFTA and impose stiff tariffs on Mexican goods, economists say he risks a trade war that could lead to the very thing he is hoping to avoid a huge surge in Mexican migration to the United States.

The result would be catastrophe for the Mexican economy: Recession. A dramatic weakening of the peso, even below the historic lows it has already set amid Trump's bellicose rhetoric. Soaring inflation, interest rates and unemployment.

"Mexico is smaller than the U.S. and can be harmed by conflict more than the U.S. would be," said Adam Posen, president of the Peterson Institute for International Economics, a Washington think tank that supports free trade.

A trade war with Mexico "drives down the peso and drives down opportunities for Mexicans to make a living in honest manufacturing jobs," he added. "There will be more desperate Mexicans crossing the border."

Trump could levy 20% tariff on Mexican imports to pay for wall

And the U.S. would by no means be immune from the fallout.

Mexico is the United States' third-largest trading partner with some $583.6 billion in cross-border commerce in 2015, according to the Office of the United States Trade Representative. That included a U.S. trade deficit of $58 billion. America buys about 80 percent of Mexico's exports, with automobiles, electrical machinery and fuels topping a long list that also includes agricultural goods such as fruit, vegetables, wine and beer.

The Trump administration's proposal this week for a 20% tax on imports from Mexico to pay for the promised border wall was quickly walked back by officials as just one of multiple "options."

It could also face stiff opposition in Congress including from Republicans who favor free trade. Those include Sens. John McCain and Jeff Flake of the border state of Arizona, who publicly came out in support of NAFTA. McCain noted that it has increased his state's exports to Mexico and Canada by $5.7 billion, or 236%, since its enactment in 1994.

By escalating tensions with Mexico, Trump is playing with fire

The worst case scenario of a trade war is frightening to contemplate, economists say.

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If the U.S. were to slap a tax on Mexican imports, it would violate the terms of NAFTA and nullify the pact, said Alfredo Coutino, Latin America director at Moody's Analytics.

Mexico could impose retaliatory tariffs, and the resulting uncertainty would spook investors and businesses, including U.S. companies with operations in Mexico that could pull out.

The peso, already sorely weakened at about 21 to the dollar, could fall to 25, 28 or even lower, Coutino continued. Unemployment would rise. Mexicans' real purchasing power would plummet as a result, and inflation could soar to double digits by the end of the year. Interest rates could also top 10 percent. The Mexican government would be forced into fiscal tightening measures, putting additional downward pressure on the economy and throwing it into recession.

Trump signs order authorizing work on Mexico border wall

America would suffer too, but not as much. Moody's forecasts that a trade war would slightly reduce U.S. economic growth and cost 300,000 American jobs after a year.

Mexico has been here before, most notably when a sharp peso devaluation in 1994 touched off a nearly 6% economic contraction.

Hundreds of thousands of Mexican job-seekers poured over the border into the United States, one of the reasons the U.S. organized a $50 billion International Monetary Fund bailout of its southern neighbor in 1995.

If the U.S. economy keeps improving while Mexico's tanks, experts say, expect more of the same. And bulking up the physical barrier may not keep migrants out, with some estimates saying 40% of illegal immigration results from people who come to the U.S. legally and then overstay their visas. Canada does not require visas of Mexican citizens, so there's nothing to stop people from flying to Canada and crossing the United States' porous northern frontier.

Mexican president asserts Mexico will not pay for any wall'

Critics say the U.S. president's obsession with illegal migration ignores the fact that the phenomenon has waned dramatically in recent years, and point to the irony that his policies could reverse that trend. The Pew Research Center reported in November that the number of unauthorized Mexican immigrants in the U.S. fell from 6.95 million in 2007, to 5.85 to million in 2014.

Coutino predicted that economic chaos in Mexico would strengthen the cartels that traffic drugs into the U.S. another stated target of the border wall as unemployed people are more vulnerable to recruitment by the gangs.

"You will have a neighbor to the south of your border with unemployment, with social problems, with rising criminality," Coutino said. "Do you want to have a neighbor like that? That's the question that Trump and his team should be asking themselves."

See the original post here:

Trump's trade war with Mexico could cause illegal immigration - New York Daily News