Archive for the ‘Afghanistan’ Category

Female Lawmaker Defiant After Assassination Bid in Afghanistan

KABUL, Afghanistan -- Gunmen sprayed a prominent female politician's vehicle with bullets in the Afghan capital on Tuesday but the victim remained defiant.

Mariam Koofi was hospitalized with a wounded leg, according to her family. Her wounds were not considered life-threatening.

Her younger sister Fawzia Koofi, who was a one-time presidential hopeful, called the attack an assassination attempt and claimed it was politically motivated.

However, she insisted that neither woman would quit politics.

"Their goal is to stop us from progress, to put women down from social and political positions, said Fawzia Koofi, who has also survived several attempts on her life. "We will not let this happen. We do this for the sake of other women."

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Afghanistan's Ministry of Interior maintained that the attack was not politically motivated.

On Tuesday, gunmen kidnapped Afghanistan's deputy minister of public works. The high-ranking official was snatched from his car at gunpoint as he was being driven to work in broad daylight.

First published April 16 2014, 4:27 AM

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Female Lawmaker Defiant After Assassination Bid in Afghanistan

Gunmen abduct Afghan deputy minister in Kabul

Associated Press

Afghan security officers arrive to the scene after two suicide bombers have struck near the home of candidate running for president, Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai in the countrys April 5 elections, in Kabul, Afghanistan, Tuesday, March 25, 2014. AP

KABUL, Afghanistan Gunmen abducted the Afghan deputy public works minister in Kabul on Tuesday, officials said, a grim reminder of the insecurity plaguing Afghanistan as most foreign troops prepare to withdraw from the country at the end of the year.

Ahmad Shah Wahid was on his way to work when five gunmen ran his car off the road in northern Kabul, dragged him into their 4-wheel-drive vehicle and sped away, said Gul Agha Hashim, the citys police chief of investigations.

The armed men shot and wounded Wahids driver when he tried to drive away to safety, said public works ministry spokesman Soheil Kakar.

It was not immediately clear who was behind the abduction. Kakar said there has so far been no ransom demand.

Kidnappings for ransom and abductions by Taliban insurgents are relatively common in Afghanistan, but Wahid is the highest-ranking government official abducted in years.

A Taliban spokesman said by telephone that he was not aware of Tuesdays abduction but would check to see if the insurgents were involved.


At least eight civilians killed in Kabul hotel attack

Originally posted here:
Gunmen abduct Afghan deputy minister in Kabul