Ann Coulter Busts Out the Verbal Jiu-Jitsu – The Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show

BUCK: Here in studio Ann Coulter, 13-time New York Times best-selling author. Her Substack, Unsafe I believe its called; is that right

COULTER: Well, you go to it, So, its the same as my website, But insert Substack.

BUCK: There we go. Substack. We, I mean the whole news cycle today is focused on Marthas Vineyard and the deportation, it seems, of 50 illegal migrants from the Vineyard to Cape Cod right away. What do you think about this tactic, this situation?

COULTER: DeSantis is a genius. At first, I was thinking, Ah, the season is over; its kind of showy. This is the most brilliant thing Ive ever seen. It is funny. Even then I thought it is kind of funny, Marthas Vineyard.

But I dont know if you consume the liberal media as avidly as I do. New York Times instantly had an article, Well, the people of Marthas Vineyard are showing their compassion and the church and the volunteers, and then Joy-Ann Reid last night, Huh ho, this is how real Christians behave.

An hour later, buses shipping them out. Video, Get em on the buses. So, DeSantis has got to just keep sending them. I mean, this is outrageous, these out these states and cities that call themselves sanctuary cities.

When they are the most lily white, upper crust places. Yeah, okay, you take it. You start weeping about, Oh, but theyre children. Soon as they come to there, their lovely little all-white resort towns, Ship em out.

CLAY: Youve been talking about the border for a long time, Ann. And obviously Trump in 16 made it the signature issue of his campaign. But Buck and I talk all the time about the fact that almost no attention is given to the border at all. And people can say, Oh, this is a big political stunt.

But you just said it; isnt it a brilliant political stunt on behalf of the Arizona, the Texas, and the Florida governors to be going to D.C., to New York, to Chicago, and now Marthas Vineyard? Weve talked more about the border and made it a front door issue right now


CLAY: in the midterms than Ive seen in months, if not years.

COULTER: No, it is so brilliant, I think I know their GoFundMe would throw you off immediately, but there are conservative versions of GoFundMe. And I think we need to start whatever the equivalent GoFundMe is to get these governors, Ducey, Abbott, and DeSantis to keep it up, keep it up, keep it up. Just keep sending. Overload Marthas Vineyard so we can see the famous liberal compassion.

But I do want to correct you on one little thing, it drives me crazy about Republicans not you, Clay not just the border. No, legal immigration, it is something you cannot get the Republican Party to talk about. I mean, this is why I wrote In Trump We Trust and supported Donald Trump in 2016.

Ted Cruzs version of this was no, well just bring this as many Third World immigrants but well do it legally. Okay. You still have the same culture-destroying, wage-suppressing effects. No. What Trump promised was a five-year moratorium. Promises made, promises betrayed.

BUCK: And we also have the Fetterman situation with Dr. Oz that weve been drilling down on this week. Fetterman this is, first of all, I think the fact that he goes around everywhere dressed with the schlump Im wearing a hoodie right now, but this one is, you know, this is from one of our sponsors

CLAY: Youre also

COULTER: Not running for governor.

BUCK: Im also not running for governor. But unjust anyone was calling me out for the hoodie-wearing. But this go goes around, hes all schlumpy, and it seems to me like its condescending. Its like hes, you know, costume-playing a working-class guy. He actually had his parents paying his bills into his forties. His health issues are obvious, and then you find out that his plan for crime was

COULTER: Release em all.

BUCK: 30% of prisons, let them all out. I mean, who is voting for him in Pennsylvania? What is going on here?

COULTER: Well, right now the polls show the Democrat ahead in Pennsylvania and New York, my two upset races are Zeldin Lee Zeldin in New York and Dr. Oz in Pennsylvania. And for Pennsylvania, exactly what you say, Buck, this guy is this hulking, weird looking, Michael Moore-style fellow, like you say.

Tattoos up and down his arm, the hoodie, the weird goatee thing, he looks like, what do they call, the Kanamit from Twilight Zone to serve man? Look it up. He looks exactly like those alien creatures. Its a cookbook. But particularly his record on crime, and thats what I wrote about this week because hes a big, fat liar.

Look. Its one thing he released more as lieutenant governor, released more murderers, criminals than anythe parole board ever has. He oversaw

BUCK: 40% in Philadelphia, 40% of people in Philadelphia area prisons.

COULTER: And were talking about murderers, which he is now lying about. Hes a giving you bald-faced liar, and this was, you know, a hugean awfulthe Horton brothers, Lee and Dennis Horton, it was an awful, awful anti-Latino hate crime where they go into the Latino bar.

Dennis Dennis Horton blows away the Latino bartender, then shoots two other Hispanics in the bar, obviously an anti-Latino hate crime. And his brother, Lee, just takes the wallet of the other guy, Robert Leaf goes around us and puts a gun to the customers heads and gets them to turn over their wallets.

They were sentenced to not only life in prison but life in prison plus another 18 years for the associated crimes. They were caught within minutes of leaving the bar. There was an eyewitness to the car pulling away describing the car and giving four of six license plate numbers. Within a minute the cops pull over this car.

Thats a pretty good description. And, lo and behold, theres a recently fired rifle, the gun that Dennis Horton used to blow away the Latino bartender was a rifle.

Hard to conceal. They have a cockamamie story. Its one thing if Fetterman I totally disagree with him because they continue to deny their guilt but its one thing if Fetterman says, Ah, come on, theyve served long enough, its been 27 years. Its hard to employ ex-cons. Lets give them another chance. Theyre old and

SUPERCUT: Do you think John Fetterman is ready for public office?

RNC Research (@RNCResearch) September 15, 2022

Fine. Say that. But thats not what hes saying. He is lying. And hes saying they were innocent, they were convicted, they were serving time in prison. This is part of what I wrote a lot about in my book Mugged and the Central Park rape, part of the left-wing strategy

BUCK: The Central Park Five we talked about this yesterday with Ken Burns, people now just take it, they say, Oh, they were proven innocent. Thats not true.

COULTER: They were guilty as sin. Its in my booked Mugged and youll notice theres this obsession, they dont care if an innocent person goes to prison, as long as the public loses faith in the criminal justice system. As long as you feel like you cant trust a trial. There are nothe only innocent people who have ever gone to prison are the ones who were gone after for political reasons by liberal prosecutors. Well, I wont list them. But

BUCK: Theres a lot of them.

COULTER: Those are the only ones. The Proud Boys.

CLAY: And you mentioned New York and Pennsylvania, your upsets. I want to make sure we mention this because were gonna talk to both of these women next week. Oregon governors race, the Cook political report just shifted it from lean Democrat to a toss-up.

COULTER: Amazing.

CLAY: I know our listeners out in Portland are not surprised by this cause the murder rate has skyrocketed there, and there is a great deal of anger. And then the other one, Ann, that is not getting a lot of attention is the Washington Senate race.

When you look at what Tiffany Smiley is doing there, shes going to be on with us, shes giving Patty Murray a real run in Washington State. We know whats gone on in Seattle. I think the Seattle-Portland disasters, Christine Drazan is the person whos running in Oregon. Those would be two seismic shifts


CLAY: in the Pacific Northwest where Republicans have a real chance because of what has occurred in Seattle and Portland. Im sure youve been there, Ann. Those are beautiful cities

COULTER: They were.

CLAY: the Democrats have destroyed.

COULTER: Yes, they have. Well, I hope Republicans are paying attention. You notice what all of these races have in common? Theyre all about crime. Crime, crime, crime. We can win on crime. Buck, you remember when Giuliani was first elected, he was down in the polls, but you had Democrats, Upper West Side liberals, Oh, yeah, Im voting for David Dinkins and then they get into the privacy of the voting booth and theyve had it.

Theyve had it. Theyre voting for law and order. This is how Republicans win, and its been driving me crazy and Ive been talking about it on my Substack with Mickey Kaus. Crime, immigration, wokeness. I mean, Mitch McConnell plan is lets sit back and coast on inflation. Well, inflation could change and people notice inflation. Please stop running on inflation. Its crime, its crime, its crime.

BUCK: Its amazing to hear and were speaking to Ann Coulter. Subscribe to Anns Substack. Go to You can see more of this there. Its amazing, Ann, to see how you have these horrific high-profile incidents. Clay brought up Eliza Fletcher in his hometown of Nashville

CLAY: Memphis.

BUCK: Oh. Pardon me. Memphis in his home state.

CLAY: Mom jogging out at Memphis.

BUCK: And there was just this video of an execution of

COULTER: I tweeted it.

BUCK: a south Asian clerk in Mississippi who complied with all the armed robbers requests, gave him the money, gave no resistance, got down on his knees, basically saying look, just dont hurt me, take all the money, I will cause no problem.

Executed him in cold blood. He had already been convicted of multiple felonies, was out on parole and had an outstanding warrant for him while he was out on parole. Its almostand then they turn around, the Democrats, and they say, Oh, we dont know, maybe we should hire more social workers.

COULTER: Yes. Yes, and we cant. Oh, and we have a mass incarceration problem. There are too many black bodies in prison. This is the theme of my book Mugged. The Democrats, they just love in particular black criminals. Look, America. You got a choice.

Youre going to have a disproportionate number of black men in prison, not because blacks are more likely to be criminal, but theres a larger cohort of criminals within the black population than there is, for example, among Asians. And the left-wing push on this is, No, we must have exactly proportion numbers in the prison for arrests, for stop-and-frisk, for bail.

If youre going to demand equality, youre gonna have a lot of crime. And its a good thing, you know, immigrants are arriving here and getting a look at the Democrats absolute sacrifice of everything to worship at the feet of black criminals. And boy, are they getting immigrants getting that education fast.

BUCK: Ann Coulter, everybody, go to, subscribe to her Substack. Ann, it was good to see you here.

COULTER: Good to see you.

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Ann Coulter Busts Out the Verbal Jiu-Jitsu - The Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show

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