Archive for the ‘Ukraine’ Category

How Russia exploits footage of Ukraine’s air defense systems, and how Ukraine can prevent it – Yahoo News

Ukrainians are once again being warned of how Russia uses social media footage and commentary to locate Ukraines vital air defense systems, Ukrainian Air Force spokesperson, Yuriy Ihnat, reminded on the Center for Countering Disinformations YouTube channel on Feb. 4.

Russians analyze videos, photos, and messages in the Ukrainian information space to help them find Ukrainian air defense assets.

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I'll explain it simply, said Ihnat. One person films from one spot, another from a second spot, and a third person from a third spot. This is called triangulation. It allows for precise identification of the location of, say, a Patriot launch system and to strike it.

Russians also use footage of fragments from Ukrainian missiles after intercepting Russian missiles in their information warfare.

Someone, perhaps from the security services, takes a photo of a fragment of our missile and posts it, added Ihnat. What do Russian propagandist channels do? They claim we are shelling our own citizens. [Fakes] happened multiple times.

Read also: Ukraines SBU thwarts Russian hackers broadcasting Ukrainian defense operations through compromised webcams in Kyiv

He also reminded that it's advisable to turn off surveillance cameras during air raids, a matter that law enforcement, including the SBU, has addressed.

Today, there are specific prohibitions for those who neglect these rules, especially in real-time, which can be very damaging, Ihnat stated.

Air Forces thoroughly vet their videos before releasing them.

"We verify our videos to ensure there's nothing extraneous and then publish them, Ihnat said. If it shows a missile being blown up in the air, meaning an aerial target intercepted, then why not? We need to show our partners that their weapons work, that they are effective, that we are intercepting missiles."

CCTV cameras are helping invading Russian forces during their missile attacks on Ukrainian cities, Ihnat told Radio NV on May 16, 2023.

It was reported in December 2023 that thousands of cameras with TRASSIR/DSSL software had been installed in Ukraine, which could have transmitted data to Russian servers for a long time.

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How Russia exploits footage of Ukraine's air defense systems, and how Ukraine can prevent it - Yahoo News


In Huge Reversal, GOP Poised To Kill The Border-Ukraine Package It Demanded – Yahoo News

WASHINGTON Senate Republicans on Monday signaled their plan to filibuster bipartisan legislation that paired tougher border policy with more U.S. aid to Ukraine, a stunning reversal less than 24 hours after the legislation had been unveiled.

With ex-president Donald Trump urging them to kill it, and many on the right up in arms about the proposal, top Senate Republicans emerged from a heated closed-door meeting and said they needed more time to review the agreement, suggesting that a scheduled Wednesday vote to advance the bill is all but doomed to fail.

I think theres a very real concern that there hasnt been adequate time, and I think the Wednesday vote is going to be, for most of our members, too early, Senate Minority Whip John Thune (R-S.D.) told reporters on Monday.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) also recommended to his members in the meeting that they should vote to block the package from moving forward, according to Punchbowl News.

The recommendation is particularly stunning given that McConnell had cheered the negotiations over border policy for months. Just hours earlier on the Senate floor, McConnell touted the legislation, saying its billions of dollars in aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan are needed to counter aggression from dictators and terrorists around the globe.

The national security legislation were preparing to take up will invest heavily in the capabilities and capacity America and our allies need to regain the upper hand over this emerging axis of authoritarians, McConnell said. Make no mistake: The gauntlet has been thrown. And America needs to pick it up.

But the biggest Republican reversal on the bill may be Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.), who put in months of work to try to come up with a compromise on the border security bill and who, as late as Monday afternoon, had been urging his GOP colleagues to read the bill before offering negative, knee-jerk reactions, to little avail.

After the closed-door meeting Monday evening, when Republicans held a heated discussion, Lankford said he anticipated that Wednesdays vote to advance the bill would fail. Moreover, he repeatedly declined to say whether he would vote in support of his own bill.

Why would we force a vote on something that would kill it... versus give it more time and give it the opportunity to be able to be able to go through it? Lankford told reporters.

He then tried to argue that even if he votes against advancing his own bill this week, that it wouldnt necessarily mean that he opposes it since it could still come up at a later date.

Voting against cloture is not, for me, voting against the bill... cloture is, do we get on this and start debating now or do we get on it and debate it later? So its not voting against the bill, even though I vote against cloture on Wednesday, Lankford said.

Ive never seen anything like it. They literally demanded specific policy, got it, and then killed it.Sen. Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii)

Its clear, though, that most Republicans have no interest in drawing out a debate which has sharply divided their party even further and that they badly want to move on even though they were the ones who initially demanded linking border policy changes with the passage of aid to Ukraine. More time isnt going to change anything, and many in the GOP would like to keep the border issue alive so they can hammer Democrats over immigration policy in the November presidential election.

Just gobsmacked, Sen. Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii) posted on the X social media platform on Monday. Ive never seen anything like it. They literally demanded specific policy, got it, and then killed it.

Its not hard to see why the GOP changed its tune. Trump, the front-runner in the Republican presidential contest, blasted the border agreement on Monday, saying that border policy and foreign aid should not be tied together in any way, shape, or form.

Only a fool, or a radical left Democrat, would vote for this horrendous border bill, the former president said on his social media website, Truth Social.

The border deal includes several big conservative wins, allowing the government to more easily expel migrants at the border, restrict claims for parole and make it significantly harder for migrants to claim asylum. It would also automatically shutter the border if illegal crossings reach or climb past a certain average daily threshold.

Progressive lawmakers and Latino Democrats lined up against the bill, calling it inhumane and arguing that it would make the situation on the border worse. The U.S. Border Patrols union, an influential voice on the right, meanwhile, endorsed the border bill on Monday, but that did little to sway key Republican senators.

The GOPs about-face leaves the future of U.S. support for Ukraine, as well as for Israel, is serious jeopardy. The House is expected to vote on a stand-alone aid package for Israel this week, but the White House threatened to veto it on Monday.

The Administration strongly opposes this ploy which does nothing to secure the border, does nothing to help the people of Ukraine defend themselves against [Russian President Vladimir] Putins aggression, fails to support the security of American synagogues, mosques and vulnerable places of worship, and denies humanitarian assistance to Palestinian civilians, the majority of whom are women and children, the White House said in a statement.

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In Huge Reversal, GOP Poised To Kill The Border-Ukraine Package It Demanded - Yahoo News


Biden Pins Border Bill Failure on Trump With Ukraine Hanging – Bloomberg

President Joe Biden blamed Donald Trump for sinking a bipartisan immigration and Ukraine aid bill, saying the Republican frontrunner pressured members of his party to reject it in order to gain an advantage in the November election.

Biden acknowledged the Senate package was all but dead a move that could jeopardize the US effort to provide more weapons and support to Ukraine in its war to repel Russias invasion.

The rest is here:
Biden Pins Border Bill Failure on Trump With Ukraine Hanging - Bloomberg


U.S. Ambassadors in the Pacific Urge Action on Ukraine, Israel and Border Bill – The New York Times

A group of U.S. ambassadors stationed in the Indo-Pacific region is urging congressional leaders to secure passage of legislation providing assistance to Ukraine, Israel and allies in the Pacific, saying Americas credibility with its strategic partners is on the line.

Governments are watching what we do at this pivotal moment in history a time when decisions that we take now will have lasting impacts for years to come, said the letter from nine diplomats sent to Capitol Hill on Monday. They want to see that when the chips are down, the United States will be there for our allies and partners.

The letter is somewhat unusual for a diplomatic corps that is usually reluctant to engage in such fights publicly. But the ambassadors, who met recently at a regional conference, said that the importance of the aid and the signals that failure would send warranted the appeal.

A $118 billion emergency national security spending package, which pairs aid for American allies to strict new border policies demanded by Republicans, is teetering on the brink of collapse in Congress ahead of a test vote scheduled for Wednesday in the Senate.

None of us has ever signed a letter quite like this one, said the message to the four top leaders of Congress from the mix of career diplomats and those with more political backgrounds. But given the gravity of this historical moment, we believe it is imperative to share with you our direct and honest assessment as you consider the supplemental funding request, which we view as essential.

The ambassadors signing the letter were Philip Goldberg of South Korea, Rahm Emanuel of Japan, Caroline Kennedy of Australia, MaryKay Carlson of the Philippines, Eric Garcetti of India, Nicholas Burns of China, Tom Udall of New Zealand, Edgard Kagan of Malaysia and Marc Knapper of Vietnam.

Some of the ambassadors signing this letter are former members of Congress ourselves or have dealt with the legislative process; all of us deeply value the critical role of Congress in foreign affairs and appreciate that budgets are ultimately a legislative matter, it said. Nonetheless, we feel it is important to convey to you directly the profound effect this budget decision will have on our alliances and partnerships in the Indo-Pacific.

Many backers of the legislation in Congress have warned that failure to follow through on aid to Ukraine could embolden China in the region. The ambassadors said that nations with expansionist ideas would take note of the outcome when lawmakers hold what the letter described as one of the most consequential votes in a generation.

Not only will our allies and partners take stock of this moment, so will our adversaries, it said. The credibility of our commitment to collective security and deterrence hangs in the balance.

The package slated for a vote on Wednesday would send $60 billion in additional assistance to Ukraine, $14 billion to Israel and nearly $5 billion for partners in the Indo-Pacific to counter China.

Here is the original post:
U.S. Ambassadors in the Pacific Urge Action on Ukraine, Israel and Border Bill - The New York Times


Republicans Savage Border and Ukraine Deal, Threatening Its Survival – The New York Times

Top House and Senate Republicans on Monday savaged a $118.3 billion bipartisan compromise bill to crack down on unlawful migration across the U.S. border with Mexico and speed critical security aid to Ukraine, threatening to kill the deals chances of clearing a deeply divided Congress.

Senate Republicans and Democrats released the agreement on Sunday after more than three months of near-daily talks, cementing an improbable breakthrough on a policy matter that has bedeviled presidents of both parties and defied decades of efforts at compromise on Capitol Hill. But the swift backlash from Republicans who denounced the immigration restrictions as too weak suggested that it had little path to enactment.

Any consideration of this Senate bill in its current form is a waste of time, Speaker Mike Johnson said in a joint statement with Republican leaders on Monday. It is dead on arrival in the House. We encourage the U.S. Senate to reject it.

Several Senate Republicans also quickly condemned the measure, raising questions about whether it could even advance in that chamber, where members of both parties have clamored for a compromise.

I cant support a bill that doesnt secure the border, provides taxpayer-funded lawyers to illegal immigrants and gives billions to radical open borders groups, Senator Steve Daines, Republican of Montana and the chairman of the partys campaign committee, wrote in a social media post. Im a no.

The mounting Republican opposition was a grim sign ahead for an initial test vote on Wednesday in the Senate, where the measure would need bipartisan support including a minimum of 10 G.O.P. votes to move forward.

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Republicans Savage Border and Ukraine Deal, Threatening Its Survival - The New York Times
