Archive for the ‘Quantum Computer’ Category

The quantum internet is fast becoming a real thing – RedShark News

Researchers at Harvard University have demonstrated the longest distance fibre transmission between quantum nodes to date, highlighting that the idea of a quantum internet isn't just fanciful thinking.

Transmitting quantum information between nodes is not a new idea, and it has been demonstrated before. However, performing the feat over a long distance via fibre has always been a stumbling block, due to the degradation of the light signal. Most demonstrations of the concepts of a quantum internet have taken place in laboratories using line of site lasers to create the entangled photons.

Maintaining a state of entanglement over a distance has always been a stumbling block. Entanglement is when two subatomic particles are linked, with a change in one being instantly reflected in the other, even if they are separated by billions of light years. Albert Einstein referred to this phenomena as "spooky action at a distance." When it comes to a quantum internet, the idea is that two qubits (the quantum version of a traditional computer bit) become 'linked'. Once this happens, any change in quantum state of one qubit is instantly reflected in the other, even if they are vast distances apart on a network.

Unfortunately, it is all too easy for an entangled information transmission system to degrade, due to all sorts of reasons, from interference from the outside world to the degradation and scattering of photons. And, unlike traditional ways of transmitting data, quantum information can't be 'boosted' with the use of repeaters.

However, now researchers have managed to show how the transmission of quantum information over long distances is in fact possible in a real-world setting using already existing fibre networks. These latest demonstrations of the potential of transmitting information via entangled photons were performed by three separate research teams, based in the United States, China and the Netherlands, and utilised existing fibre optic networks, with the information being transmitted over several kilometres in busy urban areas. And, while this doesn't mean that we're going to be using a quantum internet any time soon, the experiments represent a gigantic step forward in terms of making such a network a reality.

According to Nature, the experiments were made possible by using photons in the infra-red area of the spectrum, making them more friendly to optical fibre. However, each of the three teams differed in the type of quantum memory device that they used.

The Chinese team, lead by Pan Jian-Wei at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), utilised three separate quantum memory sites at separate labs, which used the collective states of clouds of rubidium atoms in which to encode the qubit quantum states. According to Nature, "The qubits quantum states can be set using a single photon, or can be read out by tickling the atomic cloud to emit a photon."

The three labs were connected via an optical fibre network to a separate photonic server located around 10km distance away. Because the experiment relied on the photons from at least two of the atom clouds to reach the server at the same time to produce entanglement, the timing required needed to be incredibly precise, thus reducing the practicality of such a system.

The Dutch team's experiment also relied on precise timing, but instead of rubidium atoms they utilised individual nitrogen atoms embedded in small diamond crystals. The qubits were encoded in the electron states of the nitrogen and in the nuclear states of nearby carbon atoms.Importantly, the team performed the experiment over a 25km run of optical fibre, which serves as considerable proof that the transmission of quantum information in a real world setting is possible.

Finally, the US team used two nodes within the same building, but the fibre network they used made its way over long distances throughout the Boston area, apparently crossing the Charles River six times. Unlike the other two teams, the US method required less precision in the timing by sending one photon to entangle itself with a silicon atom at the first node. This photon made its way around the fibre loop, grazing the second silicon atom on arrival, entangling it with the first one.

Okay, so why would we want to do this? Simply put, transmitting quantum information is highly secure, and effectively 'hacker proof'. Another possibility that has been put forward is the idea of connecting several quantum computers together over distance, effectively creating one large computer. Quantum sensor networks are another potential use, enabling high precision measurements, such as highly accurate timekeeping, more precise navigation systems, measurements of gravitational fields, magnetic fields, and other physical phenomena.

On a more 'real-world' playing field that could affect the average internet user, cloud computing could be made totally secure. It's pretty much impossible to intercept the transmission of quantum information without it being detected. AI learning and processing could also be drastically improved with faster training times, improved algorithms, and new ways to tackle data analysis and pattern recognition.

The use of a quantum network could also help improve the overall efficiency of the internet itself, with new protocols and quantum-enhanced algorithms being developed.

Now, it does sometimes seem as if anything to do with quantum computing is a bit like the promise of new battery technology; it never seems to actually arrive in a practical way. But, the experiments above represent one of the most major brick walls to creating a quantum internet being broken down.

References: Nature, Science Daily

Tags: Technology Internet Quantum Computing

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The quantum internet is fast becoming a real thing - RedShark News


Explore the Growing Role of Linux in Quantum Computing – ITPro Today

Quantum computers differ fundamentally from classical computers. Classical computer chips rely on billions of transistors, each in a binary state of either on or off. A quantum computer, on the other hand, uses qubits instead of transistors, and these qubits can exist in multiple states simultaneously, thanks to quantum mechanics principles like superposition and entanglement. This means that a qubit can be on, off, or in a combination of both states, providing a vast range of possibilities in processing. The state of a qubit can be altered by observation, a phenomenon known as the Schrdinger effect. While quantum computers excel at solving certain problems, they do not replace classical computers entirely.

As quantum computing technology advances, there is a growing need for operating systems that can support quantum computing frameworks. In this article, we will explore the intersection of Linux and quantum computing, focusing on how Linux-based operating systems are becoming pivotal in the development and deployment of quantum computing technologies. We will also examine recent advancements in quantum computing, the role of Linux in quantum programming environments, and how Linux distributions are adapting to support quantum computing frameworks.

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As mentioned, quantum computing uses the principles of quantum mechanics, such as quantum entanglement, to perform calculations that would be practically impossible for classical computers, including even multi-GPU supercomputers. Because qubits can exist in multiple states at once, quantum computers can conduct parallel computations to solve the most complex of problems.

Over the past few decades, quantum computing and its theoretical underpinnings have come a long way. Major tech companies like Google and IBM have made substantial investments in the field. IBM among others has even made their quantum computers available online, allowing anyone to learn about the specifics of quantum computing and run workloads through quantum logic gates.

The open-source nature of Linux has enabled developers to develop operating systems that are both flexible and robust. Linux is inherently compatible with most of the software and tools used in the quantum computing environment.

Several quantum programming languages and frameworks, including IBMs Qiskit, Googles Cirq, and QuTiP (Quantum Toolbox in Python), run natively on Linux-based systems. Additionally, Linux readily supports containerization technologies like Docker and container orchestration tools like Kubernetes, core components in quantum computing environments. Containerization allows developers to package quantum computing applications and their dependencies in self-contained, portable units, facilitating deployment and management, even at scale and across various hardware architectures.

Linux distributions must evolve to meet the developing needs of quantum computing programming and research. Various Linux distributions make it easy for developers to install and maintain quantum computing tools by providing specialized packages and repositories for quantum computing software. Ubuntu, Fedora, and Debian are among these distributions.

Additionally, some Linux distributors are exploring quantum computing simulators and emulators, enabling users to experiment with quantum algorithms and workflows even without physical access to hardware. This development bridges the gap for Linux users, giving them access to both classical and quantum computing systems, which had been previously available mainly to Windows and MacOS users.

There have also been advancements in the compatibility between Linux distributions and quantum processors. As quantum computing technology becomes more affordable and accessible, Linux distributions must ensure integration with quantum computing processing units and peripherals. The integration allows users to take advantage of quantum acceleration for specific workloads, enhancing computational capabilities.

Linux, famous for its Unix-based operating system, is celebrated for its flexibility, scalability, and open-source ethos, making it well-suited for quantum computing applications. Several factors underscore Linuxs growing role in the quantum computing environment.

Linux enables developers to customize their computing environments to suit their specific personal or organizational needs. This flexibility has proven crucial in ensuring Linux remains up to date with quantum computing demands.

Linux operating systems are inherently highly compatible with various hardware architectures, making them well-suited for quantum computing platforms.

Linux has a vibrant open-source community that encourages knowledge exchange and cooperation. This communal ethos accelerates progress in quantum computing research because of the exchange of ideas and resources.

Security is of paramount importance in quantum computing systems, especially in handling sensitive data and cryptographic algorithms. Linux stands out with its robust security features, coupled with its extensive support for encryption and authentication, making it an ideal choice for operating systems powering quantum computing systems and applications.

Several different software packages for Linux have been specifically designed for quantum computing research and development. These packagescome with essential tools and libraries. Here are a few examples.

Qiskit is IBMs quantum computing development framework, written in Python. It offers a toolkit for quantum computing circuit design, simulation, and execution. Known for its compatibility with multiple Linux distributions, Qiskit is in wideuse.

QuTiP, short for Quantum Toolbox in Python, is a Python software package for quantum computing simulations. Built on Python and the NumPy library, QuTiP offers a wide range of functionalities for simulating quantum computing systems. QuTiP is compatible with most Linux distributions, and it is frequently used for quantum optical applications and quantum information science.

ProjectQ is an open-source quantum computing framework developed in Python. It is useful for simplifying the development of quantum computing algorithms and applications. It achieves this by providing high-level intuitive APIs (application programming interfaces) and abstractions. Compatible with most Linux distributions, ProjectQ also supports various quantum backends.

Linux has gained major tractionin the quantum computing space in recent years. However, several challenges persist. One such challenge is optimizing Linux distributions for quantum computing hardware, which requires specialized drivers and low-level optimizations. Additionally, security remains an ongoing concern that requires focused attention to mitigate potential threats.

Despite these challenges, Linux is positioned favorably to play a significant role in quantum computing systems. As the fieldexpands, Linux software packages and distributions tailored for quantum computing are becoming increasingly prevalent and evolving alongside advancements. Collaboration with open-source communities also has the potential to drive innovation and accelerate development in the space.

Linux has emerged as a foundational element in the evolution of quantum computing systems. Linuxs inherent customizability, compatibility, security, and robustness make it an ideal operating system for quantum computing. As this transformative technology continues to evolve, Linux looks set to maintain its essential role in shaping its future.

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Explore the Growing Role of Linux in Quantum Computing - ITPro Today


Ripple publishes math prof’s warning: ‘Public-key cryptosystems should be replaced’ – Cointelegraph

Professor Massimiliano Sala of the University of Trento in Italy recently discussed the future of blockchain technology as it relates to encryption and quantum computing with the crew at Ripple as part of the companys ongoing university lecture series.

Salas discussion focused on the potential threat posed by quantum computers as the technology matures. According to the professor, current encryption methods could be easy for tomorrows quantum computers to solve, thus putting entire blockchains at risk.

Per Sala:

What the professor is referring to is a hypothetical paradigm called Q-day, a point at which quantum computers become sufficiently powerful and available for bad actors to break classical encryption methods.

While this would have far-reaching implications for any field where data security is important including emergency services, infrastructure, banking and defense it could theoretically devastate the world of cryptocurrency and blockchain.

Specifically, Sala warned that all classical public-key cryptosystems should be replaced with counterparts secure against quantum attacks. The idea here is that a future quantum computer or quantum attack algorithm could crack the encryption on these keys using mathematical brute force.

It bears mention that Bitcoin, the worlds most popular cryptocurrency and blockchain, would fall under this category.

While there currently exists no practical quantum computer capable of such a feat, governments and science institutions around the globe have been preparing for Q-day as if its an eventuality. For his part, Sala said that such an event may not be imminent. However, physicists at dozens of academic and commercial laboratories have demonstrated breakthroughs that have led many in the field to believe such systems could arrive within a matter of years.

Ultimately, Sala said hes satisfied with the progress being made in the sector and recommends that blockchain developers continue to work with encryption experts who understand the standards and innovations surrounding quantum-proofing modern systems.

Related: Harvard built hacker-proof quantum network in Boston using existing fiber cable

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Ripple publishes math prof's warning: 'Public-key cryptosystems should be replaced' - Cointelegraph


The commercialisation of quantum science in pharma – pharmaphorum

In todays podcast, web editor Nicole Raleigh speaks with PASQALS technical business developer Europe, Krisztian Benyo, PhD, about the pharma applications and commercialisation of quantum science.

Quantum computing is nowadays a source of hope for dealing with problems that are too complex for classical computers. By leveraging the principles of quantum physics, quantum processing units can store loads of information simultaneously and perform exceptionally well in tackling problems with a large number of combinations.

So it is that PASQAL, in collaboration with Qubit Pharmaceuticals, is developing a hybrid quantum/classical approach that uses a classical algorithm to find the water density information in a protein and then a quantum algorithm to locate the water molecules inside any pocket, even in the buried ones. Benyo dives into the details for listeners.

You can listen to episode 133a of thepharmaphorum podcastin the player below, download the episode to your computer, or find it - and subscribe to the rest of the series - iniTunes,Spotify,acast,Stitcher,andPodbean.

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The commercialisation of quantum science in pharma - pharmaphorum


Quantum computing breakthrough could happen with just hundreds, not millions, of qubits using new error-correction … –

Quantum computers that are more powerful than the fastest supercomputers could be closer than experts have predicted, researchers from startup Nord Quantique argue.

That's because the company has built an individual error-correcting physical qubit that could dramatically cut the number of qubits needed to achieve quantum advantage (which is where quantum computers are genuinely useful).

Eventually, this could lead to a machine that achieves quantum supremacy where a quantum computer is more powerful than classical computers.

Unlike classical bits that encode data as 1 or 0, qubits rely on the laws of quantum mechanics to achieve "coherence" and encode data as a superposition of 1 or 0 meaning data is encoded in both states simultaneously.

In quantum computers, multiple qubits can be stitched together through quantum entanglement where qubits can share the same information no matter how far they are separated over time or space to process calculations in parallel, while classical computers can only process calculations in sequence.

But qubits are "noisy," meaning they are highly prone to interference from their environment, such as changes in temperature, which leads to high error rates. For that reason, they often need to be cooled to near absolute zero, but even then they can still fall into "decoherence" midway through calculations and fail due to external factors.

Related: How could this new type of room-temperature qubit usher in the next phase of quantum computing?

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This high error rate means a quantum computer would need to have millions of qubits to achieve quantum supremacy. But today's most powerful quantum computers contain just 1,000 qubits.

This is why research is heavily focused on reducing qubit error rate. One way to reduce errors is by building a "logical qubit," in which several qubits are entangled to behave as one effective, error-free qubit during calculations. This relies on redundancy a concept in computer science in which the same data is stored in multiple places.

Scientists at Nord Quantique have taken a different approach, instead designing an individual physical qubit, then applying "bosonic codes" during operation to reduce errors at the individual qubit level. They outlined their findings in a study published April 12 in the journal Physical Review Letters. Bosonic codes are error-correcting codes designed specifically for systems that use bosonic modes such as photons. They exploit bosons' quantum properties to protect information against errors.

Nord Quantique's scientists built one "bosonic qubit," which is around the size of a walnut, from up to 10 microwave photons, or light particles, that resonate in a highly pure superconducting aluminum cavity which is cooled to near absolute zero.

The bosonic codes were then applied while calculations were underway to correct two types of quantum errors "bit-flips," or when 0s and 1s are read as each other; and "phase-flips," when the probability of a qubit being either positive or negative is flipped.

Their bosonic codes extended the coherence time of individual qubits by 14%, which the scientists said is the best result to date. Simulations also showed that error correction is not only viable but likely to be stronger when adding additional qubits to the existing single qubit, scientists wrote in their paper.

Using just hundreds of these qubits in a quantum computer could lead to quantum advantage rather than the millions of qubits scientists have previously thought we would need, study co-author and Nord Quantique's chief technology officer, Julien Camirand Lemyre, told Live Science. The increased qubit lifetime, thanks to the design, coupled with claimed operational clock speeds of up to 1,000 times more than comparable machines, means vastly more calculations can be performed in this short window. It means the "overhead" of redundant qubits is not required versus a machine that uses no error correction or even one with logical qubits.

Other companies, such as Quantinuum and QuEra, are using different approaches to reduce the error rate, but most rely on logical qubits. Lemyre argued his company's approach is better than this "brute force" method.

"Nord Quantique's approach to building qubits involves building the redundancy necessary for error correction directly into the hardware that makes up each physical qubit. So, in a sense we are making physical qubits into logical qubits through a combination of our unique architecture and use of what we call bosonic codes," Lemyre said.

Still, obstacles to quantum supremacy remain. Lemyre noted that larger quantum computers will need "a handful of physical qubits" to correct the few errors the bosonic codes miss.

The company's next step is to finish building a system, expected by Fall of this year, with multiple error-correcting physical qubits. If everything goes to plan, Nord Quantique is hoping to release a quantum computer with about 100 of these qubits by 2028, Lemyre said.

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Quantum computing breakthrough could happen with just hundreds, not millions, of qubits using new error-correction ... -
