Archive for the ‘Libya’ Category

GECOL to boost power production to more than 7,000 megawatts – The Libya Observer

Electricity generation in Libya is set to reach an all-time high thanks to the newly installed power stations and those undergoing maintenance work, says the state-run electricity company (GECOL).

The GECOL head Wiam Al-Abdali said the new and developed power plants would allow the company to increase its production, potentially reaching 7,400 megawatts.

Speaking at a meeting attended by Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dbeibah, Al-Abdali indicated that the company would register record levels once the power plants of West Tripoli, Misurata, and Tobruk are moved to production. However, he did caution that at the same time this will be met by a significant increase in consumption that needs to be monitored.

According to the governments media office, Dbeibah stressed the need for efforts to be focused on promoting grid stability at the summer peak, in sync with intensifying awareness campaigns and coordinating with security services to follow up on excess consumption by commercial and industrial stores.

Earlier, the GECOL announced that the emergency station of West Tripoli was damaged by the clashes that broke out in Janzour district, explaining that this would delay its entry into production.

Read the original here:
GECOL to boost power production to more than 7,000 megawatts - The Libya Observer

DPM participates in International Conference for Building and Construction in Benghazi – Libya Update

Deputy Prime Minister of the Libyan government, Ali al-Qatrani, participated Monday in the opening ceremony of the International Exhibition and Conference for Building and Construction, which is being held in the city of Benghazi.

Al-Qatrani welcomed the delegations of investment companies specialized in construction participating in the exhibition.

The Deputy Prime Minister thanked all those in charge of the event, stressing that the process of building and reconstruction had begun to advance the country towards development and stability.

Al-Qatrani stressed that development and stability is the serious priority of the Libyan government, as it will be supportive of all companies wishing to invest in the field of construction.

It is noteworthy that the International Exhibition and Conference for Building and Construction held in Benghazi from May 23-27, 2022, will bring together major Egyptian and Libyan companies specialized in building and construction.

Here is the original post:
DPM participates in International Conference for Building and Construction in Benghazi - Libya Update

Libya tensions and the legacy of America and the UK: Failed states (EU and Japan) – Modern Tokyo Times

Libya tensions and the legacy of America and the UK: Failed states (EU and Japan)

Kanako Mita, Sawako Utsumi, and Lee Jay Walker

Modern Tokyo Times

The European Union (EU) and Japan never imposed sanctions on America and other European nations involved with the destabilization of Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, and countless brutal deeds from the former leader of America (Barack Obama) and the United Kingdom selling vast military arms to the Saudi-led alliance to kill and slaughter in Yemen to past intrigues in countless conflicts. Hence, recent fighting in Libya sums up the failed states that America and its allies have created and how America and the usual allies never faced economic sanctions, the threat of war crimes, and how nations like Japan said zilch.

This week militias belonging to the two prime ministers of Libya attacked each other once more. Prime Minister Fathi Bashaga (Bashagha) was embarrassingly forced to flee the capital after supporters of Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dbeibah (United Nations appointed) obtained the upper hand.

Dbeibah is adamant that he will only relinquish power to an elected Libyan government and not to Bashaga. Thus, he accused the bid by Bashaga of usurping the political process. Therefore, Dbeibah condemned his political rival.

Obama along with the leaders of France and the United Kingdom promised A New Democratic Dawn for Libya after the overthrow of Colonel Gaddafi. America promised the same in Afghanistan. Firstly, in the 1980s, when Islamist sectarians were provided with military arms and training by the CIA and the same equivalents in Pakistan (ISI) and the United Kingdom (MI6).

After September 11, when Islamists killed many in America: the same promise of democracy was espoused. However, the result was cronyism, the theft of money by Afghan elites, and the eventual return of the Taliban. Thus, the ongoing failed states of Afghanistan, Libya, and Iraq share a similar theme. Likewise, death and destruction in Syria followed after Gulf and NATO powers supported various Islamist sectarian forces to fight against the government of Syria.

Serbia also lost its Orthodox Christian Jerusalem of Kosovo after NATO powers attacked this country. Since this period various ethnic minority groups have been attacked by Albanian nationalists. Therefore, the one thread of mass immigration from failed states in parts of Europe, the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia have in common is that America and the United Kingdom were at the forefront of all these convulsions.

Indeed, the nations of America, France, and the United Kingdom care zilch for regional nations who suffer from these convulsions. For example, the impact on Lebanon after the international intrigues against the government of Syria. Equally, the entire Sahel region is suffering from the debacle of Libya from terrorism to fragile nations and enormous food insecurity.

Nations from the collective bloc of the European Union along with Japan never called for sanctions against America and the United Kingdom nor mentioned war crimes. However, Japan never stops its anti-Russia stance under Prime Minister Fumio Kishida concerning Ukraine. Therefore, the leaders of the European Union and Japan are morally corrupt.

Turning back to current events in Libya, Voice of America reports, Militia supporters of Libyas two rival prime ministers fired rockets and automatic weapons at each other early Tuesday, forcing parliament-appointed Prime Minister Fathi Bashaga to withdraw from the capital after a failed attempt to take control of government administration buildings.

The supporters of Bashaga seek him to set up a rival government in the former stronghold of Gaddafi. This concerns the port city of Sirte.

Associate Foreign Press reports, Endowed with the most abundant reserves in Africa, Libya has been plagued since the fall of Muammar Gaddafis regime in 2011 by a series of political crises and violence that are undermining the transition process that is supposed to turn the page on years of dictatorship.

America and the United Kingdom are responsible for the deaths of vast numbers of people concerning the convulsions they have unleashed. Other nations, including France, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Pakistan (concerning Afghanistan), have involved themselves. Hence, these convulsions are still killing people in Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and other nations in 2022.

Also, the entire Sahel region, including Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, and Niger, is suffering from the consequences of the Libya debacle. Similarly, Serbian Orthodox Christians also reside in ghettoes in Kosovo. The Yazidis are also enslaved by ISIS (Islamic State IS) in Iraq while the majority of Christians have fled this nation since the US-led invasion.

However, the European Union and Japan never called for economic sanctions and war crimes against America and the United Kingdom (the main two nations responsible for all this carnage). Indeed, Japan increased its financial support of American military bases while rubber-stamping Americas anti-China and anti-Russia intrigues.

Hence, events in Libya sum up the hypocrisy of G-7 nations and the brutal deeds of America and the United Kingdom and other nations involved. Therefore, from the hypocrisy of the European Union and Japan to the flow of death and mass poverty after these destabilizations it is apparent that America and the United Kingdom can evade accountability by spreading anti-China and anti-Russia propaganda to incite new conflicts while bombing any nation on this planet deemed a threat to their national interests.

Overall, the European Union, Japan, and G-7 nations are extremely selective concerning condemnation, economic sanctions, media propaganda, and war crimes.


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Libya tensions and the legacy of America and the UK: Failed states (EU and Japan) - Modern Tokyo Times

Is This The Shadiest Cargo Flight Ever? From Libya To Venezuela And Beyond… – One Mile at a Time

I could spend all day just tracking planes and never get bored, even just monitoring regularly scheduled flights. But this must be one of the most bizarre flights to ever operate, as noted on As we see the continued path of this flight, were getting a clearer picture of whats going on here.

Rada Airlines is a Belarusian cargo airline that operates a fleet of Soviet-built Ilyushin Il-62 aircraft. The airline exclusively operates cargo flights, and Id have to imagine that the carriers cargo services have only gotten even more unusual recent months, given the situation with Russia.

The Rada Il-62 with the registration code EW-505TR is operating quite the trip at the moment. The planes registration as such is blocked from most flight tracking sites (meaning you cant track the planes movements over months), though the individual flights can still be tracked.

So, where has this particular plane flown in recent days?

Can we go ahead and place our bets as to where this plane is headed next? My money is on Ahmedabad being a refueling stop, and this plane continues to Yangon, Myanmar (RGN), given the history of Belarusian cargo airlines shipping weapons to Myanmar.

By the way, while were talking about this plane, it has quite the history:

Also, while its not the exact tail number, check out the below video of a Rada Airlines Il-62 operating an extremely risky takeoff.

I cant even imagine whats going on with this particular cargo flight, and what has been transported on various segments. A few thoughts:

Collectively OMAAT readers know just about everything, so heres a question Im curious about, but dont have an answer to. I dont want to make too many assumptions here, but I just cant help but wonder when cargo planes operate trips like these, and its at least on some level suspicious, are there checks constantly carried out, or do officials just turn a blind eye?

Like, weve seen nonstop flights between Iran and Venezuela, and I can appreciate how no one on either end there is probably ruffling any feathers. But do authorities in Barbados, Mexico, Morocco, and India inspect these planes because theyre a bit more suspicious than your typical FedEx plane, or do they just mind their own business? And if they mind their own business, is it because snitches get stitches, or because theyre minding their own bu$ine$$?

A Belarusian cargo Il-62 is currently operating what must be one of the most suspicious and intriguing cargo flights weve ever seen. The plane flew from Tripoli to Bridgetown to Caracas to Mazatln to Caracas to Casablanca to Ahmedabad.

Assuming the plane flies to Myanmar next, there arent many questions about whats being carried on these segments (though Im sure those accusing me of creating a conspiracy theory will suggest that these are simply humanitarian flights for Myanmar, in the form of fresh avocados from Mexico).

What do we think is going on here? Am I the only one who finds this to be fascinating?

Originally posted here:
Is This The Shadiest Cargo Flight Ever? From Libya To Venezuela And Beyond... - One Mile at a Time

Damage from Janzour militia clashes will result in power cuts and delay in Tripoli West power station coming online this summer: – Libya Herald

Damage caused by last Saturdays militia clashes in Janzour (west Tripoli) will result in power cuts and a delay in the completion of the Tripoli West Fast Track power station this summer, the Chairman of the General Electricity Company of Libya (GECOL) Wiam Abdali said today.

Speaking in a pre-recorded video message posted on GECOLs Facebook page, Abdali did not specify how long the delay would be, but said the damage was considerable, and included overhead power transmission lines, lifting equipment and the outside of the power station generators. He said that contractors ENKA and Siemens were still completing their damage report.

Abdali said work had stopped at the power station which had been fast tracked to be completed by the end of this month and before the start of this years peak demand summer season in order to avoid the lengthy annual power cuts. At least 70 foreign technicians had stopped work and asked to be repatriated, he revealed.

It will be recalled that the Tripoli West Fast Track power station was meant to play a huge part in preventing the annual reoccurrence of lengthy power cuts. Incumbent Caretaker Prime Minister, Abd Alhamid Aldabaiba, had staked his reputation on the Fast Track projects. He had asked the Audit Bureau and Central Bank of Libya to fast track them and set aside the usual lengthy and financing procedures to save the country from another year of lengthy power cuts.

Janzour militia clashes cause damage to Tripoli West power station LibyaHerald

See the article here:
Damage from Janzour militia clashes will result in power cuts and delay in Tripoli West power station coming online this summer: - Libya Herald