Archive for the ‘Censorship’ Category

LAWTON: Jonathan Greenblatt says censorship not the answer to "hate speech" – True North

Jonathan Greenblatt of the Anti-Defamation League says efforts to regulate online hate speech are misguided and fundamentally wrong. True Norths Andrew Lawton reports from WEF 2024.


A Canadian broadcaster and columnist, Andrew serves as a journalism fellow at True North and host of The Andrew Lawton Show.

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LAWTON: Jonathan Greenblatt says censorship not the answer to "hate speech" - True North


Attacks, arrests, threats, censorship: The high risks of reporting the Israel-Gaza war – Committee to Protect Journalists

Attacks, arrests, threats, censorship: The high risks of reporting the Israel-Gaza war  Committee to Protect Journalists

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Attacks, arrests, threats, censorship: The high risks of reporting the Israel-Gaza war - Committee to Protect Journalists


Global Elite Summit Speaker Chides Big Tech To Beef Up Censorship ‘Investments’ Ahead Of 2024 Election – Daily Caller

Global Elite Summit Speaker Chides Big Tech To Beef Up Censorship 'Investments' Ahead Of 2024 Election  Daily Caller

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Global Elite Summit Speaker Chides Big Tech To Beef Up Censorship 'Investments' Ahead Of 2024 Election - Daily Caller


The case for ignoring censorship orders – Freedom of the Press Foundation

Our U.S. Press Freedom Tracker documented 11 prior restraints against journalists in 2023, the most since it started tracking them in 2017. Prior restraints or government orders not to publish information have long been considered the most serious First Amendment violation.

Judges, like anyone who went to law school, should know that the Supreme Court has never approved a prior restraint against the press, even when the government alleged national security was at stake. And yet, courts keep entering them with little regard for the law, leaving journalists censored while often slow-moving appellate processes play out.

Freedom of the Press Foundation Director of Advocacy Seth Stern wrote in the Columbia Journalism Review that it may be time for news outlets to reconsider complying with these unlawful orders. Stern argues that:

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The case for ignoring censorship orders - Freedom of the Press Foundation


FOIA for EPA Records on Facebook Censorship of East Palestine Posts Filed – Government Accountability Project

January 11, 2024

FOIA for EPA Records on Facebook Censorship of East Palestine Posts Filed

WASHINGTON Yesterday, we filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request seeking communications between the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Facebook regarding posts about the Norfolk Southern train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio.

The request comes after reports that Facebook flagged or removed posts by whistleblowers and community activists about potential health impacts of the Norfolk Southern train derailment. The posts were on pages such as East Palestine Off the Rails and personal accounts of residents and whistleblowers.This FOIA specifically requests EPA communications with Facebook employees about train derailment-related content and any EPA contracts or financial ties with the social media company.

The FOIA request was filed after whistleblower client Scott Smith, an independent scientist who discovered elevated dioxin levels in East Palestine, reported that Facebook flagged his verified public figure profile after resident and outspoken advocate, Jami Rae Wallace, tagged Smith on his Facebook timeline on November 25 when she shared the Huffington Post article, A Roll of the Dice: The Unknown Threat of Exposure to Chemical Mixtures.Previously, Jami Rae Wallace received a text from Mark Durno, EPA Region 5 leader on the ground and Homeland Security Advisor, telling her to remove her Facebook post where she posted to think critically about answers the EPA was giving residents regarding their health.

This post may go against our guidelines on suggested content, Facebook alerted. This post may show content that is broadly disliked. Common reasons are clickbait, contests or giveaways, engagement bait or links to low quality or deceptive websites.Smiths post also contained the following message from Facebook: Here is the content that hurt your good standing.

The flagged news article focused on synergistic toxicity, the cumulative impacts of multiple chemicals and how scientists fail to adequately assess chemical mixtures in disasters like East Palestine, where residents were exposed to a cocktail of chemicals after the fiery derailment last year and subsequent burning of multiple train cars. Chemicals burned or created by the ignition include vinyl chloride, butyl acrylate, dioxins, and more.The EPA has continually maintained that the chemicals of concern were all below action levels while residents continue to report symptoms.

This situation comes one month after Norfolk Southern served Smith with a subpoena for his communications and test results on the water, furnace filters, and soil contamination in East Palestine.

Whistleblower client, Scott Smith, stated,

Anyone who cares about their constitutional rights and free speech needs to pay attention to what is happening in East Palestine, Ohio. That is why we need EPA records to shine light on any coordination with Facebook to suppress the free sharing of information on what is currently happening to residents there. The government should not be serving as a mechanism of censorship to protect multi-billion-dollar corporations.

Our Environmental Investigator, Lesley Pacey, commented

Facebook should not be censoring independent scientists or East Palestine residents who are understandably concerned about pollution in their backyards. The public has a right to discuss and debate the governments response to this environmental disaster as well as post news articles that legitimately address potential health risks. Facebook unfairly targeted Smiths post when it was scientifically factual. Was there an algorithm that flagged the post or another reason? Social media censorship should never interfere with informed public discourse, especially during an ongoing health emergency.

Read more:
FOIA for EPA Records on Facebook Censorship of East Palestine Posts Filed - Government Accountability Project
