Archive for the ‘Artificial General Intelligence’ Category

AIs Impact on Journalism – Signals AZ

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Turning things on their heads is something we like to do here at Talking Glass Media in Prescott Valley. We wanted to share with our readers what would an AI (artificial intelligence) chatbot like ChatGPT by the company OpenAI would say if we asked it How will AI impact journalism? Before we share that answer, heres some introductory information on ChatGPT and the company OpenAI.

According to the OpenAI website, OpenAI is an AI research and deployment company. Our mission is to ensure that artificial general intelligence benefits all of humanity Our mission is to ensure that artificial general intelligenceAI systems that are generally smarter than humansbenefits all of humanity.We are governed by a nonprofit and our unique capped-profit model drives our commitment to safety. This means that as AI becomes more powerful, we can redistribute profits from our work to maximize the social and economic benefits of AI technology.

AI has already begun to impact journalism in various ways, and this trend is likely to continue and intensify in the future. Here are some areas where AI is expected to have a significant impact:

Automated Reporting: AI can generate news stories from structured data. For example, templates can be created to report on financial earnings or sports results, which AI can then populate with the relevant numbers. This automation can free up human journalists to focus on more complex stories.

Data Analysis: AI tools can analyze vast amounts of data to identify trends, correlations, and outliers that might be relevant to journalists. These tools can do this work far faster and more accurately than humans, enabling journalists to uncover stories they might not otherwise find.

Verification: With the rise of deepfakes and other forms of digital deception, AI tools are being developed to help journalists verify the authenticity of images, videos, and other forms of media. These tools can help journalists navigate the increasingly complex landscape of digital misinformation.

Personalization: AI can help to tailor news content to individual readers based on their interests, reading habits, and other factors. This can help to increase engagement and keep readers coming back for more.

News Gathering: AI can assist in gathering news from various sources including social media, blogs, forums, and other sources. This can greatly enhance a journalists ability to gather information and stay updated with the latest happenings.

Fact-checking: AI can help automate the fact-checking process, which is becoming increasingly important in the era of fake news. By cross-referencing information with reliable sources, AI can help ensure the accuracy of news reporting.

While these are significant benefits, there are also important ethical considerations and potential downsides to consider. AI could potentially displace some journalists from their jobs, particularly those involved in more routine, data-heavy reporting. Theres also the risk that AI-generated news could be manipulated for propaganda or misinformation purposes. And there are questions about how the use of AI for personalization could lead to echo chambers, where people are only exposed to news that reinforces their existing beliefs.

Finally, theres the question of transparency and accountability. If a news story is generated by an AI, who is responsible for its accuracy? These and other questions will need to be addressed as AI continues to play a larger role in journalism. [end ChatGPT answer on how AI will impact journalism]

So there you have it. What an artificial chatbot like ChatGPT by OpenAI thinks of the impact AI will have on journalism. What do you think of this most recent proliferation of AI in our society? This is just the beginning We should mention that AI fixes and improves itself along the way

Of course, you can also listen to this entire article on the SignalsAZ podcast which is text-to-speech service generated by machine learning speech-generating software. Talking Glass Media (owner of ) was the first publisher in the region to adopt this technology.

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AIs Impact on Journalism - Signals AZ

The path ahead for generative AI – Inside Higher Ed

Early in 2019, GPT-2 was announced by OpenAI, the private, nonprofit company that now includes $11billion in investments from Microsoft Corporation. Compared to what was to follow, the development was relatively quiet. Claudia Slowik and Filip Kaiser write in the Neoteric blog, On March 15, 2022, OpenAI released the new version of GPT-3 called text-davinci-003. This model was described as more capable than previous versions of GPT. Moreover, it was trained on data up to June 2021, making it way more up-to-date than the previous versions of the models (trained on data up to Oct 2019). It was with the 3.5 series of text and code completion versions that GPT took off. With the 4.0 version, released in November 2022, an all-out scramble launched to create interfaces, apps and associated products to facilitate new and expanded access.

Google is one of the many firms engaged in efforts to catch up with the OpenAI release. After a flawed demo at the release of Googles Bard, The Decoder reports that Googles two large AI research centers, DeepMind and Google Brain AI, have pulled together to support the Gemini project, a large language model that will have a trillion parameters.

It was less than a month and a half ago, on March 30, 2023, that Auto-GPT was posted on GitHub by developer Significant Gravitas. As Wikipedia explains, Auto-GPT is an AI agent that given a goal in natural language, can attempt to achieve it by breaking it into sub-tasks and using the internet and other tools in an automatic loop. It uses OpenAIs GPT-4 or GPT-3.5 APIs, and is among the first examples of an application using GPT-4 to perform autonomous tasks.

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With Auto-GPT, we have crossed the virtual Rubicon from the relatively simple-step activities of earlier GPT models to a process of sequencing independent steps to a complex feedback loop of multiple activities and assessments toward a defined outcome. Sabrina Ortiz writes in ZDNet, This means that Auto-GPT can perform a task with little human intervention, and can self-prompt. For example, you can tell Auto-GPT what you want the end goal to be and the application will self-produce every prompt necessary to complete the task. Ortiz suggests, The applications promising, autonomous abilities may make it our first glimpse of artificial general intelligence (AGI), a type of AI that can perform human-level intellectual tasks The Github demo shows sample goal prompts such as Increase net worth, grow Twitter Account, Develop and manage multiple businesses. The applications limitations listed on Github do warn that Auto-GPTs output, May not perform well in complex, real-world business scenarios. However, the results users have been sharing show that Auto-GPT can deliver some really impressive (and helpful) results.

The development of generative AI has been so rapid that we have seen calls to pause development. Yet these calls are more of alarm rather than any reasonable expectation that worldwide research on such a hot topic will be delayed in any way. Such a pause would be impossible to enforce, given the number and diverse locations of sites performing research in this field.

Led by developments in generative AI, we are on our way to AGI. It will not be a straightforward path, and there are numerous high hurdles to overcome, but we have passed an inflection point with the capabilities of Auto-GPT. Ben Lutkevich of Tech Target writes:

Artificial general intelligence (AGI) is the representation of generalized human cognitive abilities in software so that, faced with an unfamiliar task, the AGI system could find a solution. The intention of an AGI system is to perform any task that a human being is capable of AGI is considered to be strong artificial intelligence (AI). Strong AI contrasts with weak or narrow AI, which is the application of artificial intelligence to specific tasks or problems. IBMs Watson supercomputer, expert systems and self-driving cars are examples of narrow artificial intelligence.

How long will it take to develop strong AI? No one knows for certain. Almost certainly, it will take years, but perhaps not the decades that had been previously predicted. We must remember just how quickly the current GPT and associated models have emerged.

What will widespread AGI mean? Again, no one knows for sure. What we do know is that many more human jobs will be performed by strong AI programs. The computers and AI programs will work tirelessly, efficiently and effectively. Of course, there will still be the need for many humans engaged in a myriad of tasks that are not best completed by AGI. We may see shorter workweeks for humans. New human-staffed careers may evolve to employ the displaced workers.

The implications for education are many. Will we still need the knowledge to perform tasks that are regularly completed by AI? Knowledge of how to direct and expand AIs expertise in these areas will be essential. What human skills and abilities will be in most demand? Human values and ethics will be essential to guide programs if we are to coexist comfortably. AGI may be able to extend our knowledge and information in math and the sciences. Perhaps it will bring new insights and opportunities in the arts and humanities that have been in decline at universities in recent years.

With the advent of Auto-GPT, there is now a vision of a pathway for generative AI to take on increasingly multivariate tasks. Ever more complex objectives will be assigned to these more advanced AI apps. We must be vigilant to assure that human values and ethics guide the development in the coming months and years.

We also must carefully monitor the advent of AI in our career fields so that we are not caught unaware when there are reductions in the human workforce due to computer-generated efficiencies. This will require communication, collaboration and shared vision among researchers, corporations and educators. We will do well to recall the warning of Aldous Huxley nearly a century ago that the Brave New World may await those who exclusively value efficiency and technology over human emotion and individuality.

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The path ahead for generative AI - Inside Higher Ed

What is AI? | National | – FOX Bangor/ABC 7 News and Stories

AI, or artificial intelligence, is a branch of computer science that is designed to understand and store human intelligence, mimic human capabilities including the completion of tasks, process human language and perform speech recognition. AI is the leading innovation in technology today and its primary goal is to eliminate tedious tasks and assist in immediately accessing extremely detailed and hyper-focused information and data.

AI has the ability to consume and process massive datasets and develop patterns to make predictions for the completion of future tasks.

While the interest in AI around the world is growing, the science poses an existential crisis for jobs, companies, whole industries and potentially human existence. In March, Goldman Sachs released a report and warned the public of the threat to jobs that AI, and ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence chatbot developed by AI research company OpenAI, poses. The report revealed that jobs with repetitive responsibilities and some manual labor are at risk for automation. The report concludes that 300 million jobs could be affected by AI.


In simple terms, artificial intelligence is computer science that is capable of completing tasks that humans already perform or require human intelligence to complete.

AI uses technology to learn and recreate human tasks. Currently, in some situations, AI has the ability to perform human tasks better than we do, which poses a threat to the workforce.

While it may seem AI has only recently become popular or relevant to society, it has been used in many ways for years.

Reactive machines are task specific and a basic form of AI. They react to the input provided to them and offer the same output. In the form of reactive machines, AI does not learn new concepts. These machines apply datasets and respond with recommendations based on already existing inputs.

An example of reactive machines is the recommendations section in Netflix. whereby TV shows and movies are recommended by the streaming service to a user based on their search and watch history.


Limited memory understands by storing previously captured and learned data and builds knowledge for the future based on its findings. An example of limited memory is self-driving cars.

Self-driving cars use signals and sensors to detect their surroundings and make driving decisions. The cars compute where pedestrians, traffic signals and low-light conditions exist, in order to drive more cautiously and avoid accidents or traffic errors.

Theory of mind means that humans have thoughts, feelings, emotions, desires, etc. that impact their day-to-day behaviors and decisions. While early adaptations of AI struggled with theory of mind, it has since made astonishing improvements. In order for AI to procure theory of mind, it must understand that everyone has feelings and develop the ability to change its behaviors as humans do.

An example of theory of mind for humans is to see a wilted plant and understand that it needs to be watered in order to survive. In order for AI to have theory of mind, it will need to do the same.

AI, ChatGPT specifically, has passed a theory of mind test commensurate with 9-year-old ability, as of February 2023.

Finally, when AI is self-aware, the stages of development will be complete. Self-awareness for AI is the most challenging of all AI types as the machines will have achieved human-level consciousness, emotions, empathy, etc. and can commiserate accordingly.

Once the machine has learned to be self-aware, it will have the ability to form its own identity.

This stage of self-awareness is not currently possible. In order for self-awareness to become a possibility, scientists will need to find a way to replicate consciousness in a machine.


Challenger, Gray & Christmas, a coaching company in Chicago, found in an April report that ChatGPT could replace 4.8 million jobs in the future. Specifically, ChatGPT would replace job roles that are repetitive and predictable including copywriters, customer service representatives, cashiers, data clerks, drivers and more.

Individuals with graduate degrees are most fearful of losing their jobs to AI and nearly 69% of them emphasized their fear of it, according to a Tidio survey. While humans are becoming increasingly alarmed by AI, we are already using it in our daily lives in ways people might not even realize.

Here are some of the most popular and typical ways were already leveraging AI.

Facial recognition is being used mostly by law enforcement to identify criminals and assess potential threats. Individuals use it daily to access smart devices and through social media like Facebook photo tag recommendations.

Determining violations of community guidelines, facial recognition, and translation tools for language interpretation are just a few ways social media is operating alongside AI.

Google Home, Amazon Alexa and Apple Siri are all examples of voice assistants that employ AI. Voice assistants use natural language processing and are capable of discovering patterns and behaviors among users in order to conserve preferences and offer results to consumers. The more you use them, the more the voice assistant will learn.


Smart home devices are used in a variety of ways including the protection and security of your home. Technology like Ring doorbells and Nest security systems use AI to detect movement and alert homeowners.

Voice assistants like Siri and Alexa are also examples of smart devices.

Search engines like Google, Bing and Baidu use AI to improve search results for users. Recommended content based on initial search terms are provided to users every time they search. Search engines use natural language processing, a branch of AI, to recognize search intent in order to provide exemplary results.

For example, if you search for "rose" results for the pink wine rose, the flower rose, Rose the singer or rose the verb may appear. When you provide context to your search, AI assimilates and suggests results.

If youre using Google to query "Marylin Monrow," the search engine giant suggests the correct search term and results for "Marilyn Monroe." Search engines are using AI to grasp spelling, context, language and more in order to best satisfy users.

AI is also the power behind the rapid adaptation of search results. Trillions of searches are performed every year and humans dont have the ability to comb through results but AI does.

When you come home from a long day at work to relax on the couch and throw on Netflix, youre leveraging AI to help you choose the next TV show or movie youll watch. When you log onto Instagram or Facebook and a suggested list of new followers or friends appears, youre experiencing the power of AI. When you open your Google Maps app and type "gas" into the search bar to locate the closest gas station near you, youre using AI to make your life easier.

Artificial narrow intelligence or ANI is also known as "Weak" AI. ANI systems are capable of handling singular or limited tasks and are the exact opposite of strong AI, which handles a wide range of tasks.

Example of ANI include Apples Siri, Netflix recommendations and the weather app where you can check the weather for the day or the week. While Siri has the ability to assist with numerous tasks like announce calls or text messages, play music, shortcut smart device apps and more, it struggles with tasks outside its immediate capabilities.

ANI systems are not self-aware or and do not possess genuine intelligence, according to

ANI uses datasets with specific information to complete tasks and cannot go beyond the data provided to it Though systems like Siri are capable and sophisticated, they cannot be conscious, sentient or self-aware.

"LLMs have a broader set of capabilities than previous narrow AIs, but this breadth is limited," said Ben Goertzel, expert in Artificial General Intelligence, in a Fox News Digital Opinion article. "They cannot intelligently reason beyond their experience-base. They only appear broadly capable because their training base is really enormous and covers almost every aspect of human endeavor."

Artificial general intelligence or AGI is AI that can perform any intellectual task a human can, according to AGI capabilities vary from consciousness to self-awareness. We have seen adaptations of life with AGI in movies like "Her" and "Wall-E."

In the Pixar animation film "Wall-E," the sad, lonely robot meets another, Eve, and they fall in love. In this film, while the characters are sentient, they are AGI systems. In addition to "Wall-E," the 2013 film "Her" stars Joaquin Phoenix. "Her" is also an AGI system as she outgrows her first owner and goes out to be on her own.

AGI systems learn, execute, reason, and more but do not experience consciousness.


Artificial superintelligence or ASI is the type of AI most people are fearful of. It will have the ability to surpass human intelligence in a number of ways including creativity, self-awareness, problem-solving and more. ASI, if ever created, will have the ability to be sentient. While people are worried about AI becoming sentient, the technology is years away from such capabilities.

In 2018 at South by Southwest tech conference SXSW in Austin, Texas, Elon Musk expressed his concerns over AI and regulations regarding the development of ASI.

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What is AI? | National | - FOX Bangor/ABC 7 News and Stories

The Politics of Artificial Intelligence (AI) – National and New Jersey … – InsiderNJ

On May 27, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger will attain the age of 100. Over the last few months, I have been involved in authoring an historical essayKissinger at 100 His Complex Historical Legacy.

The essay is scheduled to be published around the time of Kissingers birthday by the Jandoli Institute, the public policy center for the Jandoli School of Communication at St. Bonaventure University. The institutes executive director is Rich Lee, a former State House reporter who also served as Deputy Communication Director for former Governor Jim McGreevey. I will also be developing a podcast regarding my essay.

For me, this project is truly a career capstone, utilizing all my analytic skills developed over a lifetime. This includes, inter alia, my studies as a political science honors scholar as a Northwestern University undergraduate, my service as a Navy officer, my years as a corporate and private practice attorney, my career as a public official, including my leadership of two major federal and state agencies, my accomplishments as a college professor, and my most recent post-retirement career as an opinion journalist.

Whether one is an admirer or critic of Dr. Henry Kissinger, there is no question that he has been a transformative figure, with a greater impact on American history than any 20th century American other than our presidents. Researching his life and career is truly a Sisyphean endeavor.

Kissinger has authored thirteen books, a plethora of articles, and numerous media appearances. In jocular fashion, I have told friends and family members that researching Henry Kissinger is like studying the Torah you never finish it!

So about a month ago, I thought that I had finished all my Kissinger research until I had the good fortune to meet with a friend of mine who also, unbeknownst to me, was a friend of Henry Kissinger. When I informed him of my Kissinger project, he proceeded to display for me on his I phone numerous photos of him and the legendary Dr. K!

Then, he asked me what were my research sources. I proudly told him the list of my readings, video tape viewings, and interviews. He responded by saying, Very good, but you have a critical omission. You did not read the book, The Age of AI (artificial intelligence) and Our Human Future.

The book was co-authored by Henry Kissinger, Eric Schmidt, former CEO of Google, and Daniel Huttenlocher, the Inaugural Dean of the MIT Schwarzman College of Computing. For ease of reference, and with all due respect to his co-authors, I will refer to this work as the Kissinger AI book.

I told my friend that I was aware of the book, but I had chosen not to include it in my essay because of my focus on Kissinger as a foreign policy maker and diplomat. My friend, however, admonished me, You do not understand. For Henry, his involvement with AI is a legacy item.

So I immediately ordered the book. My friend was correct. The Kissinger AI book should be a must read for high governmental officials, New Jersey and federal. Every New Jersey cabinet member and authority executive director should have this book on his or her desk.

Within the last month, AI has become a growing arena of national focus, sparked in large part by the resignation of Dr. Geoffrey Hinton from his job at Google. Dr. Hinton is known as the Godfather of AI. He resignedso he can freely speak out about the risks of AI. A part of him, he said, now regrets his lifes work.

In New Jersey, late last year, a bill was introduced in the Assembly, A4909, which would mandate thatemployers could use only hiring software that has been subjected to a bias audit, which looks for any patterns of discrimination. It would require annual reviews of whether programs comply with state law.

The bill was generated because of increasing concern that a growing number of AI systems had either a gender, racial, or disability bias. As an example,Reuters reported in 2018that Amazon had stopped using an AI recruiting tool because it penalized applicants with resumes that referred to womens activities or degrees from two all-womens colleges.

In February, journalist Daniel Munoz authored a comprehensive column dealing with AI and its potential dangers and biases in the hiring process. Included in the column was an interview with Assemblywoman Sadaf Jaffer (D-Mercer) a prime sponsor of this legislation.

It should be noted that the Kissinger AI book strongly recommends the auditing of AI systems by humans, rather than self-auditing by machines themselves. The human auditing can both increase the effectiveness of the AI while mitigating its dangers.

And today, on Twitter, Assembly Majority Leader Lou Greenwald (D-Camden) stated as follows: The power that Artificial Intelligence possesses makes it a potentially dangerous tool for people looking to spread misinformation. This is why I will be introducing legislation that looks to limit the harmful uses it has on election campaigns.

The beneficial effects of AI are real, as are the dangers. The politics of AI is the subject of increasing focus at both the national and New Jersey level.

The Kissinger AI book is highly relevant to all AI issues, both federal and state. The three-fold focus of the book makes it an indispensable basic guide to AI politics.

First, it gives a concise, contextual definition of AI. Second, it describes in depth the potential benefits and dangers of AI. Third, it proposes some solutions of a beginning nature to deal with the emerging negative impacts of AI.

In terms of contextual definition, the Kissinger AI book describes two empirical tests of what constitutes AI.

The first is the Alan Turing test, stating that if a software process enabled a machine to operate so proficiently that observers could not distinguish its behavior from a humans, the machine should be labeled intelligent.

Second is the John McCarthy test, defining AI as machines that can perform tasks that are characteristic of human intelligence.

The Kissinger AI book also describes the impact of AI on the reasoning process, so integral to decision making. The three components of reason are information, knowledge, and wisdom. When information becomes contextualized, it leads to knowledge. When knowledge leads to conviction, it becomes wisdom. Yet AI is without the reflection and self-awareness qualities that are essential to wisdom.

This lack of wisdom, combined with three essential features of AI magnifies its enormous danger in certain situations: 1) Its usefor both warlike and peaceful purposes; 2) its massive destructive force; and 3) its capacity to be deployed and spread easily, quickly, and widely.

The most alarming feature of AI is on the horizon: the arrival of artificial general intelligence (AGI). This means AI capable of completing any intellectual task humans are capable of, in contrast to todays narrow AI, which is developed to complete a specific task.

It is the growing capacity of unsupervised self-learning by AI systems which is facilitating the potential of the arrival of AGI. With AGI comes autonomy and autonomy in weapons systems increases the potential for accidental war.

The potential of AI leading to accidental war, along with the two above mentioned dangers publicized in New Jersey of AI generated job discrimination and political disinformation are the negative aspects of AI which will receive the most focus in the forthcoming debate.

Yet AI is not without its extremely beneficial uses, most notably in the development of new prescription drugs. So the obvious task of government, federal and state, is to filter out the dangers and facilitate the beneficial uses.

As a first step, the Kissinger AI book recommends that new national governmental authorities be created with two objectives: 1) America must remain intellectually and strategically competitive in AI; and 2) Studies should be undertaken to assess the cultural implications of AI.

In New Jersey, the best way to governmentally meet this challenge would be to create a new cabinet level Department of Science, Information, and Technology.

We currently have in New Jersey the Commission on Science, Information, and Technology, which with limited funding does a most commendable job in fulfilling its mission, namely: Responsibility for strengthening the innovation economy within the State, encouraging collaboration and connectivity between industry and academia, and the translation of innovations into successful high growth businesses.

A Department of Science, Information, and Technology would have three additional powers: 1) Regulatory powers regarding auditing, self-learning, and AGI; and 2) the ability to commission more in-depth studies regarding AI cultural impact; and 3) the ability to coordinate scientific policy throughout the executive branch. Obviously, an increased level of funding would be necessary to execute these three functions.

I also have a recommendation for the first New Jersey Commissioner of Science, Innovation, and Technology, State Senator Andrew Zwicker (D-Middlesex). His brilliance and competence as a scientist as demonstrated from his service at the Princeton Plasma Laboratory and his proven integrity and ethics in state government make him an ideal candidate for this role.

And to Henry Kissinger, my fellow Jew, I say to you: Mazal Tov on your 100th birthday! And like Moses in the Torah, may you live at least 120 years!

Alan J. Steinberg served as regional administrator ofRegion2 EPA during the administration of former President George W. Bush and as executive director of the New Jersey Meadowlands Commission.

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The Politics of Artificial Intelligence (AI) - National and New Jersey ... - InsiderNJ

As AutoGPT released, should we be worried about AI? – Cosmos

A new artificial intelligence tool coming just months after ChatGPT appears to offer a big leap forward it can improve itself without human intervention.

The artificial intelligence (AI) tool AutoGPT was released by the same company, OpenAI, which brought us ChatGPT last year. AutoGPT promises to overcome the limitations of large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT.

ChatGPT exploded onto the scene at the end of 2022 for its ability to respond to text prompts in a (somewhat) human-like and natural way. It has, caused concern for occasionally including misleading or incorrect information in its responses and for its potential to be used for plagiarising assignments in schools and universities.

But its not these limitations that AutoGPT seeks to overcome.

AI is categorised as weak (narrow) or strong (general). As an AI tool designed to carry out a single task, ChatGPT is considered weak AI.

AutoGPT is created with a view to becoming a strong AI, or artificial general intelligence, theoretically capable of carrying out many different types of task, including those for which it wasnt originally designed to perform.

LLMs are designed to respond to prompts produced by human users. They then respond to that and await the next prompt.

AutoGPT is being designed to give itself prompts, creating a loop. Masa, a writer on AutoGPTs website, explains: It works by breaking a larger task into smaller sub-tasks and then spinning off independent Auto-GPT instances in order to work on them. The original instance acts as a kind of project manager, coordinating all of the work carried out and compiling it into a finished result.

But is a self-improving AI a good thing? Many experts are worried about the trajectory of artificial intelligence research.

The respected and influential British Medical Journal has published an article titled Threats by artificial intelligence to human health and human existence in which they explain three key reasons we should be concerned about AI.

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Threats identified by the international team of doctors and public health experts, including those from Australia, relate to misuse of AI and the impact of the ongoing failure to adapt to and regulate the technology.

The authors note the significance of AI and its potential to have transformative effect on society. But they also warn that artificial general intelligence in particular poses an existential threat to humanity.

First, they warn of the ability of AI to clean, organise, and analyse massive data sets including of personal data such as images. Such capabilities could be used to manipulate and distort information and for AI surveillance. The authors note that such surveillance is in development in more than 75 countries ranging from liberal democracies to military regimes, [which] have been expanding such systems.

Second they say Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems (LAWS) capable of locating, selecting, and engaging human targets without the need for human supervision, could lead to killing at an industrial scale.

Finally, the authors raise concern over the loss of jobs that will come from the spread of AI technology in many industries. Estimates are that tens to hundreds of millions of jobs will be lost in the coming decade.

While there would be many benefits from ending work that is repetitive, dangerous and unpleasant, we already know that unemployment is strongly associated with adverse health outcomes and behaviour, they write.

The authors highlight artificial general intelligence as a threat to the existence of human civilisation itself.

We are now seeking to create machines that are vastly more intelligent and powerful than ourselves. The potential for such machines to apply this intelligence and powerwhether deliberately or notin ways that could harm or subjugate humansis real and has to be considered

With exponential growth in AI research and development, the window of opportunity to avoid serious and potentially existential harms is closing. The future outcomes of the development of AI and AGI will depend on policy decisions taken now and on the effectiveness of regulatory institutions that we design to minimise risk and harm and maximise benefit, they write.

Here is the original post:

As AutoGPT released, should we be worried about AI? - Cosmos